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“翻转课堂”,即将知识传授和知识内化的顺序颠倒安排。知识传授由学生在课前自主完成,知识内化则放到课堂上实现,即从“课堂授课听讲+课后完成作业”转变为“课前自主学习+课堂协作探究”。从分析当前大学英语视听说的教学现状入手,阐述了以TBLT为基础的英语视听说翻转课堂的构建与实施,并进一步指出这种新型教学模式所带来的优势和挑战,以期为大学英语视听说教学更为合理、有效地利用翻转课堂模式提供一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
战略理论认为,资源与能力是引致企业竞争优势和绩效差异的重要因素,但鲜有实证研究探讨异质性资源与何种企业能力组合可提升企业绩效的问题。本文通过定量研究分析了资源异质性与资源管理能力不同维度组合对企业绩效影响的效果。数据分析结果表明,资源获取、整合与释放能力维度对资源异质性正向影响企业绩效的作用关系有调节作用,但对不同的资源特质—绩效关系影响程度不同。本研究揭示了资源异质性—企业绩效关系成立的边界条件和影响因素,对企业管理实践有重要意义。  相似文献   
通过对吉林省东丰县横道村99例老人的问卷调查以及7例丧偶独居老人的个案访谈,从性别角度对农村丧偶独居老人的生存状态进行了分析,研究发现:老年女性的贫困化程度较男性高、生活适应性更差,老年男性的心理适应性较差。据此提出了应从政策、社团组织等四个方面改善农村独居老人生存状态的建议。  相似文献   
Managers must regularly make decisions on how to access and deploy their limited resources in order to build organizational capabilities for a sustainable competitive advantage. However, failure to recognize that organizational capabilities involve complex and intricately woven underlying processes may lead to an incomplete understanding of how capabilities affect competitive advantage. As a means of understanding this underlying complexity, we discuss how managerial decisions on resource acquisition and deployment influence capability embeddedness and argue that capability embeddedness has an incremental effect on firm performance beyond the effects from organizational resources and capabilities. To investigate these issues, we present a hierarchical composed error structure framework that relies on cross‐sectional data (and allows for generalizations to panel data). We demonstrate the framework in the context of retailing, where we show that the embeddedness of organizational capabilities influences retailer performance above and beyond the tangible and intangible resources and capabilities that a retailer possesses. Our results illustrate that understanding how resources and capabilities influence performance at different hierarchical levels within a firm can aid managers to make better decisions on how they can embed certain capabilities within the structural and social relationships within the firm. Moreover, understanding whether the underlying objectives of the capabilities that are being built and cultivated have convergent or divergent goals is critical, as it can influence the extent to which the embedded capabilities enhance firm performance.  相似文献   
中国传统管理思想主要孕育在哲学、道德及政治意识形态的体系之中。古代思想家们从德性、能力、身份等级的角度思考管理主体合法性问题;从德治教化、法律规制、权术运用的角度探讨管理的有效性问题;从君、臣、民的角度考察管理对象问题。由此,他们提出的各种不同治国方略,不仅展现了古代管理思想的基本逻辑脉络,而且表现出古代管理思想"人治"与"治人"高度结合的鲜明特征。  相似文献   
为研究商业银行的信用风险管理问题,对新巴塞尔协议中信用风险管理IRB法进行系统分析,概括其基本框架,并通过详细解析其设定的4种风险要素函数来解释目前我国商业银行在运用各种信用风险管理模型时存在“黑箱”的原因,同时,探讨该方法与各种信用风险管理模型的兼容关系,通过解析信用风险管理模型中各种风险要素函数设定的内在逻辑关系,总结目前我国商业银行应用IRB法时存在的各种数据估计上的困难,从而得出应对各种困难的对策。  相似文献   
运用作业成本法进行客户盈利能力分析的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同的成本计算方法导致不同的成本计算结果,并影响到客户盈利能力的评价结果。传统成本计算法掩盖了客户盈利能力的真实信息,而作业成本法通过区分直接成本和间接成本,找出间接成本的成本动因,将间接成本依据成本动因追溯到特定客户,提高了客户盈利能力评价结果的可靠性。按照作业成本法的基本原理,推导出客户盈利能力分析的基本流程和成本计算模型,再通过实际案例说明其具体过程,并讨论了作业成本法在企业客户管理方面的实践运用。研究表明,作业成本法较之传统成本法明显提高管理者在分析客户盈利能力时的准确性,为制定客户管理决策提供科学的参考。  相似文献   
"生态旅游"概念探微   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
选取国外 44个生态旅游定义作为研究对象 ,通过确认关键词、对关键词进行聚类分析 ,将定义内容归纳为 6大类 11组分 ,进而构建生态旅游概念模型。在检验模型理论上的可靠性和实践上的适应性后 ,依据模型提出自己的生态旅游定义  相似文献   
In this study, we examined optimal pricing strategies for “pay‐per‐time,” “pay‐per‐volume,” and “pay‐per‐both‐time‐and‐volume” based leasing of data networks in a monopoly environment. Conventionally, network capacity distribution includes short‐/long‐term bandwidth and/or usage time leasing. When customers choose connection‐time–based pricing, their rational behavior is to fully utilize the bandwidth capacity within a fixed time period, which may cause the network to burst (or overload). Conversely, when customers choose volume‐based strategies their rational behavior is to send only the minimum bytes necessary (even for time‐fixed tasks for real time applications), causing the quality of the task to decrease, which in turn creates an opportunity cost for the provider. Choosing a pay‐per time and volume hybridized pricing scheme allows customers to take advantage of both pricing strategies while lessening the disadvantages of each, because consumers generally have both time‐ and size‐fixed tasks such as batch data transactions. One of the key contributions of this study is to show that pay‐per both time and volume pricing is a viable and often preferable alternative to the offerings based on only time or volume, and that judicious use of such a pricing policy is profitable to the network provider.  相似文献   
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