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This mixed-methods study of BDSM investigates the nuances of BDSM participants’ role identities, role frequencies, and role fluidities—shifts in identities and play across time, location, scene, and play partner. Data were gathered from 202 online surveys and 25 semistructured interviews about participants’ roles given their gender and sexual identities. These data reveal that men tend to self-identify as Dominant, Master, Top, or Sadist (DMTS) and always perform dominant roles, while women tend to self-identify as Submissive, Slave, Bottom, or Masochist (SSBM) and always perform submissive roles. Although this would seem to support the theory that BDSM reinforces gendered dominant/submissive binaries, further analyses indicate that women and queer/pansexual individuals disrupt this binary through their Switch identities and roles. Switching and queer identities, thus, offer the possibility for transforming dominant/submissive and other binaries.  相似文献   
幼儿园游戏与教学在学前教育研究中一直隶属于两个领域,尽管有学者提出了一些融合设想,但仍难脱二元论范畴。本研究立足于幼儿游戏本质追寻,并把游戏本质作为幼儿园教学的基本内核,游戏内部的自我控制感和教学外部目的性的平衡与结合,正是幼儿园教学的核心特质。这种思路既理清了幼儿园教学特殊性,又有利于打破目前学界对于二者关系的形形色色的二元论认识,有利于促进二者从对立走向统一。  相似文献   
有的学者把东西方文化之间对话存在障碍的主要原因归结为东西方之间的思想传统的结构性差异。中国人的思想具有互系性和通变的特点,而西方人秉持二元对应的思维传统。结构性差异视角下的话语分析可以在词汇、小句和价值观念三个层面上进行。实例分析验证了结构性差异是真实存在的,可使读者对所选语话材料有更加深刻细致的理解。  相似文献   
机械论自然观渊源于古希腊的原子论,肇始于文艺复兴时期,勃兴于近代科学革命中,19世纪后半叶受到挑战,20世纪初渐趋衰微,在西方思想史乃至世界思想史上居于统治地位有年,其成就骄人其缺陋也尖锐。由它所产生的并反过来支持它的主客二分论形上学思维也与它一样命运波舛,成为被指摘的现代生态环境危机的深层思想根源。  相似文献   
The Nordic welfare model is undergoing a fundamental transformation. Using Denmark we show how a universal welfare state model is gradually being transformed into an emergent multi‐tiered welfare state. Whereas the Danish pension system's having become multi‐tiered in the 1990s, with private schemes – collective and individual – supplementing public schemes is well documented, scant attention has focused on more recent developments in other areas of the welfare state. This article shows how the multi‐tiered welfare state spread in the 2000s to policies for families, the unemployed and the sick. Although Denmark still offers universal coverage in core welfare state areas, the increased use of occupational and fiscal welfare as well as changes in public schemes has gradually transformed the nation into a multi‐tiered welfare state that is more dualistic and individualistic, with participation in the labour market becoming still more important for entitlement to benefits. These profound changes have taken place in such a way that although core characteristics are still in place, new structures and understandings of the welfare state are also developing. Thus classical typologies need revision, so that they include more focus on this combination of universality and institutional attachment to the labour market. Moreover, measures of what welfare comprises should include not only public but also private elements.  相似文献   
西欧人文主义思潮再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发端于文艺复兴时期的人文主义思潮,对西方两千多年来的精神文化进行了一次大规模的扬弃和吸纳,是欧洲文明发展史上一个重大的结构性转折,是意识形态领域里一次伟大的革命性解放。它打破摧毁神的权威性、一统性,唤醒催化人的自我性、主观性,从而重新界定了人、神、自然的关系,确立全新的伦理道德、信仰理念,成为西方近代精神文化和思潮的策源地。然而,时代转变过渡的特征以及错综复杂的冲突,使得这一思潮又呈现出创新与守旧并存的双重性、主动与被动交织的矛盾性。  相似文献   
康德哲学与生态女性主义是否相容?生态女性主义是女性主义的继承与发展,主张消解性别压迫,康德关于启蒙的看法却透出性别歧视;生态女性主义的核心议题是对妇女的压迫与对自然的压迫之间存在重要关联,并将这一双重压迫的根源追溯至二元论,而康德关于人原自然、自然原文化的看法正体现了二元论思维。因此,康德哲学与生态女性主义是不相容的。  相似文献   
This article aims to demonstrate that the philosophical anthropology of the German philosopher Helmuth Plessner (1892-1985) enables us to gain a better understanding of the experiential presuppositions and implications of information and communication technologies, such as telepresence and virtual reality, than we can obtain through interpretations that start from a dualistic, Cartesian ontology. With the help of Plessner's concept of "excentric positionality', developed in Stages of the Organic and Man (1928), Hans Moravec's Utopian claims about the possibility of disembodied existence in cyberspace are criticized and an alternative, more adequate interpretation is presented. It is argued that the corporal "poly-excentric positionality' that is inherent in the human experience of telepresence and virtual reality, radicalizes the existential " homelessness' which characterizes human life.  相似文献   
桑本谦 《文史哲》2005,2(5):143-150
社会秩序可以被区分为“自控型秩序”和“受控型秩序”。“自控型秩序”发端于一小撮个体之间缔结的初始契约,然后以这个初始契约为起点自然扩展为被众人遵守的普遍规则,因此,“自控型秩序”可以独立于公共权力而自发形成;而“受控型秩序”只能依靠公共权力来克服必然存在于众人约定中的“搭便车”现象和高昂交易费用。自控型秩序”是坚韧的,这种秩序可以在群体内部分有效,即便群体内的大多数人都不再遵守互不侵犯规则,群体内的少数人也有激励继续遵守这个规则;而“受控型秩序”却是脆弱的,离开了公共权力就会迅速土崩瓦解。  相似文献   
中国的互系性思维:通变   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
田辰山 《文史哲》2002,(4):10-18
对照西方形而上学本体论和宇宙论思想体系 ,可以得出中国传统的思维方式基本上是一种互系性思维方式。从《易经》可以找到“通变”这一互系思维的关键性观念。它区别于西方主流思维的突出特点是以偶对性为核心的宇宙本身互动连续观 ;这对西方由先验论和二元主义导致的两极概念不可解决的矛盾冲突思维 ,构成一种不可比拟的参照结构。以“通变”作为特点的互系思维凝聚为中国主要思想流派的方式而且溶化于民间文化。 2 0世纪它是解读西方“辩证法”的框架 ,成为中国马克思主义的特定方式  相似文献   
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