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论述了冷战时期,苏联与中东欧建立的既是一种战略联盟关系,也是一种极不对等的国家关系;苏东剧变后,俄罗斯与中东欧国家都处于政治经济的转型期,双方关系受历史阴影的影响较明显;提出如今面对北约和欧盟东扩的新的历史条件,如何摆脱不利因素的影响,建立正常的新型国家关系是摆在他们面前的共同问题。  相似文献   
中国与阿拉伯国家、伊朗、以色列和土耳其关系是中国中东政策的重点。土耳其和中国在国土面积、资源条件等方面相差很大,但在两国关系上却具有一定的对称性。本文试从经贸发展和国际关系两方面来考察对称性和双边关系之间的相互影响。欧亚大陆,特别是上海合作组织,是密切两国关系最好的平台。建立土中外交轴心有助于消除两国间的分歧与隔阂,推动土中安全领域的合作和中国的中东外交。  相似文献   
北约新一轮东扩,将边境推进到俄罗斯大门口,这极大的挤压了俄罗斯的战略空间。俄罗斯根据本国军事专家的建议,作出了相应的军事调整,同时举行的多次大规模军演,宣传研究出新式武器,加大军队改革等等,这都是一再向世界表明俄仍是一个不容轻视的核大国,仍有实力向以美国为首的北约发起挑战。  相似文献   
本文在对以美国为首的北约袭击南联盟后的国际影响评述的基础上,对巴尔干地区的历史及现状加以分析,并探讨了北约对欧洲的武力干涉及其动因、北约的战略调整、职能的转变、北约扩大新战略的形成过程,及其当时对世界格局的影响。  相似文献   
冷战结束后, 北约更是横行霸道。但是,无论从北约内部的深刻矛盾和新干涉主义面临的困境来考察, 还是从欧元启动后的国际形势和经济全球化的大气候, 以及俄罗斯表现出来的坚强的战争意志特别是核战意志来分析, 北约都已面临着严重的发展危机。  相似文献   
Research has shown that defence spending has repercussions on government policies and economic growth. At an international scale these implications, together with current financial difficulties affecting governments, justify the timeliness and interest of studying defence policies from the standpoint of efficiency. Many authors and international bodies such as NATO consider Life Cycle Costing (LCC) the best model for improving the efficiency of military investments. This paper examines the political repercussions in different countries of introducing the LCC model. The research methodology is based on a questionnaire that was replied to by the defence departments of 28 countries, classified as developing or developed.  相似文献   

Using a case study from the border region of southeast Hungary, this paper makes the argument that national identity is experienced as a segmented structure of Selves and Others of varying social distances, rather than a binary Self and Other. It also posits that only some of these Others, those perceived to be the most familiar and threatening, are useful for members of a nation to use in thinking about themselves, either in alliance or opposition. In this Hungarian case, the most useful Others for defining Hungarian identity in alliance and opposition are, respectively, the Western and Balkan Other .  相似文献   
In conflicts of the information age success in the application of force depends less on the outcome of tactical operations on the battlefields but more on how the war's purpose, course and conduct is viewed by public opinion at home as well as within the theatre of operations. Therefore western allies in Iraq and Afghanistan are not only involved in a physical struggle but also in a struggle over perceptions, for no long-term engagement of troops is possible without support from home, nor can a counterinsurgency succeed without the support of the local population. While the ability to exert influence upon various relevant target groups – opponents, the local population and the home front – has always been crucially important during conflicts, with the more recent globalized media this has led to previously unknown potential opportunities to influence audiences. With the intermixing of target audiences and the successes achieved by terrorists in the field of communication, the importance of the ideological struggle has increased enormously. In this context the concept of strategic communication has become relevant, which refers to the consistency of strategy, activities, themes and messages, and the aim of obtaining legitimacy and support. The heart of a strategic communication strategy is formed by a strategic narrative, a compelling storyline which can explain events convincingly and from which inferences can be drawn. Through a case study about the effectiveness of the execution of strategic communication during the mission in Afghanistan, the author wishes to increase the understanding of the concept.  相似文献   
冷战结束以来,北约一直在试图转换角色,并进行了一系列适应性调整.这种变化使北约的军事色彩有所减少,政治色彩有所增加.面对恐怖主义的威胁,北约必须适应时代的要求进行改革.布拉格峰会旨在打造一个"新北约",即确立新使命、吸纳新成员、发展新能力.北约的发展对国际安全格局产生了重要影响,中国对北约的认识和对策也随之改变.  相似文献   
前苏联的解体和华约组织的解散,将维持了四十余年的东西方军事对峙的均衡局面彻底打破,使得长期以来被两大军事集团尖锐对立所掩盖的各国内部民族分裂与反分裂力量之间的矛盾在国际社会的各种矛盾中得以凸现出来,成为影响国际安全的一个重要因素。继北约提出了所谓的新战略并在科索沃危机中加以实践之后,美国军方又抛出了所谓的“内部冲突论”,这些都助长了民族分裂分子的嚣张气焰。可以预计,在今后一段时间内,民族分裂活动有可能成为引发冲突乃至局部战争的重大问题。  相似文献   
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