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新冠肺炎疫情常态化使高职院校的体育课教学面临新的挑战。研究组通过问卷调查线上体育课的教学情况,并根据调查结果提出新冠肺炎疫情常态化背景下高职院校体育课教学的对策。  相似文献   
袁了凡(袁黄)以其《了凡四训》闻名于世,该书亦被当作训子家书。其实,了凡所作家训并非《了凡四训》,而是《训儿俗说》。作为王龙溪(王畿)的及门弟子,了凡在思想上是阳明后学的一分子,其人生轨迹属于典型的儒家士大夫,其日常修持及著述呈现三教汇通的思想特色。了凡家风淳朴,家学深厚,以儒为宗,兼收并蓄,强调道德主义,注重积德行善,具有出世情怀,对其人格产生深刻影响。  相似文献   
针对高职学生网上评教存在的问题,采用评教验证机制设置不合理评教的限制。对学生评教数据先剔除异常值,再分别对不同班级、不同课程和不同院系之间的学生评教数据进行修正与优化处理,得出最终的修正分值,降低了因班级、课程和院系的不同而导致的评教数据的差异性,使学生的网上评教能更准确有效的反应出教师的教学水平。  相似文献   

Games can be a powerful tool for learning about statistical methodology. Effective game design involves a fine balance between caricature and realism, to simultaneously illustrate salient concepts in a controlled setting and serve as a testament to real-world applicability. Striking that balance is particularly challenging in response surface and design domains, where real-world scenarios often play out over long time scales, during which theories are revised, model and inferential techniques are improved, and knowledge is updated. Here, I present a game, borrowing liberally from one first played over 40 years ago, which attempts to achieve that balance while reinforcing a cascade of topics in modern nonparametric response surfaces, sequential design, and optimization. The game embeds a blackbox simulation within a shiny app whose interface is designed to simulate a realistic information–availability setting, while offering a stimulating, competitive environment wherein students can try out new methodology, and ultimately appreciate its power and limitations. Interface, rules, timing with course material, and evaluation are described, along with a “case study” involving a cohort of students at Virginia Tech. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   
在《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分》的3000汉字中,记号字占将近六分之一的比例,主要分布在一级、二级汉字中,其中在一级汉字中占绝对优势。记号字来源于六书中的象形字、会意字、形声字、指事字,也来源于半意半记字、音零字和记号字。在汉字形体演变的过程中,现今的记号字是由于笔形之变、结构之变和功能之变等诸多因素形成的,因此对记号字的认知也是分层次的,可以从文字学角度和非字源角度分别认知。  相似文献   
教育人道主义精神强调珍视每个人的尊严、权利、自由和价值,把学生、教师当人看,教学为人存在,使人成为人。传统学徒制技艺传承过程蕴涵着丰富的人道主义精神包括:学徒入学的自愿性、学习目标明确性、学习过程的默会性、有合乎时代的文化传承、教学与生活合一、注重自主创新和发展。这些方面在西方现代学徒制中也有较为清晰的体现。我国现代学徒制教育体现人道精神的着力点还包括加强对“师傅”的人文关怀、加强对学生的职业生涯规划指导及职业文化熏陶。  相似文献   
本文介绍了有机化学实验课程教学中存在的问题,初步探讨了包头师范学院化学、应用化学专业在有机化学实验教学过程中对实验教学内容、实验教学方式、实验室三废处理、学生成绩评定等方面进行的改革以及取得的成果。  相似文献   

Recent efforts by the American Statistical Association to improve statistical practice, especially in countering the misuse and abuse of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) and p-values, are to be welcomed. But will they be successful? The present study offers compelling evidence that this will be an extraordinarily difficult task. Dramatic citation-count data on 25 articles and books severely critical of NHST's negative impact on good science, underlining that this issue was/is well known, did nothing to stem its usage over the period 1960–2007. On the contrary, employment of NHST increased during this time. To be successful in this endeavor, as well as restoring the relevance of the statistics profession to the scientific community in the 21st century, the ASA must be prepared to dispense detailed advice. This includes specifying those situations, if they can be identified, in which the p-value plays a clearly valuable role in data analysis and interpretation. The ASA might also consider a statement that recommends abandoning the use of p-values.  相似文献   
工科院校音乐选修课教材的分析和设想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为选修课身份出现的音乐教育对工科院校学生的特殊意义和作用已经被越来越多的人认同,而实现其音乐教育价值的关键所在就是在合理原则下对音乐选修课教材的选择和使用。本文从目前音乐选修课对工科院校学生的特殊作用入手,对音乐选修课教材进行分析、比较,针对工科大学生的特点,提出以“为学生服务”为宗旨的教材选用的方案。  相似文献   
摘 要:本研究为个案研究,基于扎根理论研究法,通过访谈12位来自福建省城市与农村的不同教龄的幼儿园园长与教师,探知他们认为有效促进其专业发展的园本教研应具备的核心特征。通过三级编码,67个初始编码,17个子范畴与6个核心范畴被发现,其中,幼儿教师视角下的有效园本教研的核心特征包括:建立共同愿景;支持与共享的领导;实践经验的梳理、分享、学习与运用;强调外部知识的移转;以问题为导向的反思型教研以及提供持续运作的支持。研究发现,园本教研中教与学的权力关系已开始转变;在运用外部知识中矛盾重重;重视结构性支持,忽视关系支持等园本教研现状。最后,研究者提出了针对性的建议。  相似文献   
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