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冷战结束后,意识形态因素在国家外交决策中的价值导引和知觉定位的作用非但没有完全消减,反而有所增强。美俄日韩对朝鲜的生存与发展的知觉认知形成了三种典型的推断,即美日的"朝鲜威胁论"、俄罗斯的"朝鲜负担论"以及韩国的"朝鲜崩溃论"。固执地坚守以意识形态为引导的冷战思维必然导致对国际环境与国际关系的错误知觉,甚至会产生国家间关系的严重敌视或是对抗。历史传统和地缘现实决定了中国必须理性对待朝鲜,要力避错误知觉,确立起战略思维,并放眼于长远和未来,从和平、发展与合作的角度,稳步构建起中朝之间的正常国家关系。  相似文献   
Natural hazards, such as major flood events, are occurring with increasing frequency and inflicting increasing levels of financial damages upon affected communities. The experience of such major flood events has brought about a significant change in attitudes to flood‐risk management, with a shift away from built engineering solutions alone towards a more multifaceted approach. Europe's experience with damaging flood episodes provided the impetus for the introduction of the European Floods Directive, requiring the establishment of flood‐risk management plans at the river‐basin scale. The effectiveness of such plans, focusing on prevention, protection, and preparedness, is dependent on adequate flood awareness and preparedness, and this is related to perception of flood risk. This is an important factor in the design and assessment of flood‐risk management. Whilst there is a modern body of literature exploring flood perception issues, there have been few examples that explore its spatial manifestations. Previous literature has examined perceived and real distance to a hazard source (such as a river, nuclear facility, landfill, or incinerator, etc.), whereas this article advances the literature by including an objectively assessed measure of distance to a perceived flood zone, using a cognitive mapping methodology. The article finds that distance to the perceived flood zone (perceived flood exposure) is a crucial factor in determining flood‐risk perception, both the cognitive and affective components. Furthermore, we find an interesting phenomenon of misperception among respondents. The article concludes by discussing the implications for flood‐risk management.  相似文献   
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