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大学生成长教育就是基于大学生的年龄特点,向学生传输有关人成长特别是独立生存和发展必须掌握的知识和技巧。《毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》课程既是满足国家民族需要的教育,也是可以满足受教育者个人需求的教育。两者之间的紧密结合可以实现政治教育与成长教育相互促进、相得益彰的教学效果,可以为提升课程课堂教学效果提供新的思路和作为。同时,该课程教学的内容及体系本身也为这种融合提供了充分的可能性。  相似文献   
当今代人顶罪替刑事件频现报端,而我国现行刑法却没有就顶替人犯罪作专门的规定,所以导致顶罪替刑在司法实践中的罪名归属存在争议。为了体现罪刑法定原则,应当将顶罪替刑行为设置为独立的罪名,与现行刑法中窝藏、包庇罪相区别。同时,还需要从犯罪构成要件中分析顶罪替刑罪的基本特征,解决司法实践中本罪的犯罪主体、共同犯罪等复杂问题,以期实现刑法规制的目的。  相似文献   
经济全球化、次区域合作进程的加快以及我国西部大开发战略的深入,为我国从面向太平洋的东部沿海开放转向通过西部沿边陆路面向印度洋的开放提供了难得的历史机遇,由此提出四川-西藏与南亚国家次区域合作的新构想。  相似文献   
莫高窟作为我国乃至世界佛教艺术的宝库,其保护与修复一直受到高度重视。传统保护手段与修复技术使其大受限制。多媒体技术与智能技术的发展,为莫高窟壁画的数字化提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   
社会工作就是以利他为行为动机,通过运用专业的知识、技巧和方法,达到解决社会问题、增强案主的社会功能之效果的一种助人服务活动.不管是从社会工作的发展趋势来看,还是从社会工作对象、社会工作功能上来讲,在山西煤炭污染防治的过程中,社会工作的介入都是具有可能性的.  相似文献   
期待可能性理论有坚实的哲学和法理基础,在关注人性、体现刑法谦抑性和发挥刑罚功能等方面具有强大的理论吸引力,但是也存在对罪刑法定原则可能构成潜在危害,对法官素质具有较高要求,对完善的配套法律制度较为依赖等问题。因此,引进该理论应当慎重,应当在明确该理论在中国犯罪构成中的地位、在中国刑法和刑法理论中的功能,并设置相应的程序保障后再予以适用。  相似文献   
我国一直注重教师素质的提高。而信息时代的到来 ,在强化了提高教师素质的必要性的同时 ,也带来了提高教师素质的可能性。目前我国提高教师素质的时机已成熟 ,抓住机遇是当务之急。  相似文献   
区间数排序的可能度计算模型是学术界一直在不断探索的基础性问题之一。区间数刻画着事物属性特征的取值范围,以往学术界都假设在区间内的取值服从均匀分布。本文将均匀分布推广到一般分布,运用概率论的方法,构建了一个新的区间数排序的可能度计算模型,由此修正了以往关于两个区间数全等的定义,提出了区间数形等的概念,同时进一步修正了可能度的自反性条件和区间数的综合排序方法,并将理论应用于多属性决策问题,给出了基本的决策过程,通过实例决策问题的计算,呈现了新理论和新方法的可行性和合理性,具有很好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

In the current study we examined individual growth curves of frequency of sexual intercourse among a sample of urban, low-income, African American youth at increased risk for subsequent HIV/AIDS exposure. Three waves of longitudinal data from the Collaborative HIV-Prevention AdolescentMental Health (CHAMP) project were utilized. Participant ages ranged from 9 to 12 years (M = 11 years) at the first interview wave and from 15 to 19 years (M = 18 years) at the final interview wave. As such, we were able to map out true developmental trajectories of sexual intercourse over a 10-year period of adolescence (spanning ages 9 to 19 years). Results indicate that the average study participant was sexually abstinent (in terms of intercourse) during the pre-teen years, reported a single episode of sexual intercourse between ages 14 and 15, and by age 19, reported between 3 and 10 episodes of sexual intercourse. Significant variability in the acceleration of growth rates (as captured by a quadratic random effect) was observed, suggesting that some youth accelerated more rapidly (in their sexual intercourse histories) than did others. Participant gender predicted trajectory starting points; boys reported higher rates of sexual intercourse at age 12. Frequency of baseline exposure to sexual possibility situations (i.e., being in mixed-sex company in a private place in the absence of adult supervision) predicted growth curve acceleration, suggesting preteenswith more exposure to sexual possibility situations accelerated more rapidly in their rates of sexual intercourse over time. Developmental implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of two studies focusing on the social problem solving skills of African American preadolescent youth are detailed. In the first study data from a sample of 150 African American children, ages 9 to 11 years, was used to examine the association between type of youth social problem solving approaches applied to hypothetical risk situations and time spent in unsupervised peer situations of sexual possibility. Findings revealed that children with more exposure to sexual possibility situations generated a wider range of social problem solving strategies, but these approaches tended to be unrealistic and ambiguous. Further, there was a positive association between the amount of time spent unsupervised and youth difficulty formulating a definitive response to hypothetical peer pressure situations. Children with less exposure to sexual possibility situations tended to be more aggressive when approaching situations of peer pressure. In the second study, data from a non-overlapping sample of 164 urban, African American adult caregivers and their 9 to 11 year old children was examined in order to explore the associations between child gender, family-level factors including family communication frequency and intensity, time spent in situations of sexual possibility, and youth social problem solving approaches. Results revealed that children were frequently using constructive problem solving and help seeking behaviors when confronted by difficult social situations and that there was a significant relationship between the frequency and intensity of parent child communication and youth help seeking social problem solving approaches. Implications for research and family-based interventions are highlighted.  相似文献   
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