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Computer simulations are increasingly used within various fields of the social sciences, including analytical sociology and computational social science. However, the method has yet to fully find its place within critical realism, generally regarded as reductionist and methodological individualist and thus inadequate to the task of grasping the full and enigmatic complexity of social life. This article contributes to the discussion by suggesting an alternative approach to computer simulations in the social realm. Instead of representing reality, simulations are seen as a way of boosting abstraction by enabling us to isolate and study the effects of emergent mechanisms. The need for such tools is growing more urgent in an age characterized by rapid change and global networks of causal interrelation. Hence there is a need not only for new tools to deal with causal complexity within critical realism, but also for a critical realist perspective to fill the meta‐theoretical vacuum on which the simulation approach is largely based. The approach developed here provides a challenge to the predominant ways in which simulations are utilized today, with increasingly sophisticated models aiming towards realistic representation on the basis of empirical data.  相似文献   
柳青《创业史》 的现实主义缺陷主要表现在两个方面:一是对农业合作化的绝对肯定与歌颂,一是根据阶级属性进行人物塑造。造成这种不足的原因是对现实的真实表现让位给了作家秉持的观念。现实与观念之间的关系,是现实主义创作的关键之一。对这一问题,马克思主义经典作家早就有了明确的回答,那就是当现实与作家的观念发生矛盾的时候,不应让现实屈从观念,而应按现实的本来面貌进行描写。  相似文献   
This article considers the legal validity of citizens' actions in civil disobedience as it pertains to the umbrella movement in Hong Kong. It introduces the critical approach of “legal realism” in order to reconsider normative law, such as police enforcement and court interventions, in relation to political struggle. It has been argued that the legal precepts of rights, responsibility, and the rule of law are capable of contingent and contextually appropriate interpretations by different legal actors, including citizens who participate in civil disobedience. In politics, justice, and most importantly law, civil disobedience offers an alternative legal normativity to consider the citizen's right, and even duty, to express dissent. Furthermore, this right or duty is legally persuasive and conducive to guarding democratic principles.  相似文献   
现代中国小说的开山之作《狂人日记》,与其说是“第一篇现实主义小说”,不如说是象征主义小说的发端。它主要借重象征主义表现法,使“狂人”的感觉能力得以升华,乃至发出“从来如此,便对么”的惊世之问,表征了新文化先驱不无孤绝地反传统的心境。而就小说的创作方法、属性问题的去讹存真,恰可揭示鲁迅审美视野的开阔,以及勉力集合诸种创作方法张力的用心。  相似文献   
在普实克看来,中国现代文学的抒情性特征既受到欧洲浪漫主义文学的直接影响,也是中国古典文学抒情传统的现代发展。西方浪漫主义抒情传统注重自我情感的抒发,中国古典文学抒情传统具有强烈的现实关怀,是一种感时忧国的思想情感。中国现代文学的抒情性融合了中西抒情传统,内涵更为复杂。由此,普实克不仅细致分析了中国文学抒情传统与欧洲浪漫主义抒情传统的不同,展示了中国文学抒情传统的独特性,而且深刻把握了中国现代抒情文学发生的根本动力。  相似文献   
《孙子兵法》是杰出的现实主义军事著作,其中也饱含着诸多理想主义的成分。其具体内容包括:“保国安民”的远大政治理想、“全胜易胜”的战略理想境界、“上下同欲”的理想治军模式、“五德兼备”的完美将帅素养等。同时,孙子将他的理想主义建立在客观现实的基础之上,强调“仁义与诡诈的结合”“全胜与破胜的结合”“教化与法制的结合”“完美与理性的结合”等。此种理想与现实有机结合的思维方法和思想方法,不仅在中国历史上产生了深远的影响,而且对当今“中国梦”的实现也有着深刻的借鉴价值。  相似文献   
While Christianity and feminism may seem at odds with one another, both make normative claims about justice and addressing the needs of those on the margins of power. This article explores what feminism contributes to Christian realism. The current revival of Niebuhrian Christian realism highlights how much it still has to offer as a theoretical underpinning for policy and governance. However, Christian realism remains wedded to masculinist abstractions and power structures, such as the balance of power, that are ultimately harmful to those on the margins. Thus, this article uses feminism to argue for a greater acceptance of vulnerability and obligation in Christian realism.  相似文献   
道德实在论是应对道德多元主义而兴起的。它为寻求道德的确定性,收敛到道德的客观性,但这面临着事实和价值之间的矛盾。因而,它又收敛到人类都有关于建立美好社会的愿望的共识,但这种观点不仅面临着理想人以及知识和信仰之间跳跃的问题,而且将其设为目标来追求,还会导致专制和道德虚无主义的困境。只有走出理论思辨,采取局部的实践哲学的方法和根本的存在论境域的方法,才能解决自己的困境。  相似文献   
心理现实主义以客观的现实世界为基础,通过心理分析和心理描写来展示人物的内心世界,以表达社会秩序和人的行为的客观性、理性的思想。艾丽丝·门罗的作品,透过男性与女性在社会空间中的性别回归,男性和女性在生活中的行为理性回归,体现了心理现实主义的思想。  相似文献   
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