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This paper is an ethnographic account of daily life at a boxing gym in Manila in the Philippines. My book, Rokaru Boxer to Hinkon Sekai conducts a social analysis of three different topics in order to grasp the lives of Manilan boxers on both theoretical and empirical grounds—namely, daily life at a boxing gym, an international boxing market structure in which Filipino boxers are consumed as underdog roles, and the daily life in Manila's squatter areas to which the boxers are closely tied. The current study limits its examination to daily life in a boxing gym. Most of the unique characteristics that influence Filipino boxing can be found in the live-in residencies of its gyms. The gym is a place for training and living. It is not only by training but also as a result of various aspects of their life here that young men are able to become boxers. Unlike the gym in the African American ghetto described by Loïc Wacquant, participating youths in Filipino boxing come from the absolute lowest tiers of society. The youths live in boxing camps where every aspect of their daily live is strictly regulated, and thus are they inscribed with the rules that must be observed in this sport. This study is an examination of the pains and pleasures of life at one such boxing camp.  相似文献   
This article explores the work of clergywomen in the Church of England within an analysis of the Church as a gendered organization. We highlight the sex discrimination they often face, at the same time as satisfaction with their work and the need to follow their calling regardless of the difficulties. This is explained through an analysis of the significance of religious calling and the requirement for ‘sacrifice’ on their ability to endure their work and to challenge discriminatory treatment.  相似文献   
文章从历史学、宗教学、民俗学等角度,将流行于黄南藏族自治州同仁县隆务河流域的六月会主体节目之一"玛泽"的文化内涵进行了新的探讨,并就"玛泽"节目的历史和宗教渊源关系,民俗形成过程,以及对军事、生产活动中的意义提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   
清代广西三界庙地理分布与三界神信仰探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三界庙在清代广西各府中都有分布,主要集中分布在南宁、浔州、郁林、平乐、梧州等五府(州),呈现出一种沿着西江流域自东向西递减的分布规律,在郁江两岸分布最为密集。清代广西已经初步形成了三界神祭祀圈,而这种祭祀圈的出现与三界神的现实功利色彩有着密不可分的关系。  相似文献   
概括介绍了俄罗斯联邦境内的北方少数民族奥罗奇人的族称、族源、社会经济状况及其演变 ,和奥罗奇人的三界观、灵魂观、鬼神观、图腾崇拜、熊祭和萨满教信仰等  相似文献   
The paper explores the application of ideas derived from psychotherapy to questions of economic and social policy. It is argued that disputes concerning human nature underlie many debates on economic theory. Class is reviewed from internal and emotional perspectives. Psychological obstacles to the achievement of economic inequality are explored and ways of overcoming them critically discussed. Particular attention is paid to the operation of economic sadism in the behaviour of individuals and societies. A range of possible gender differences in relation to money is reviewed. Inherited wealth is explored from the perspective of ‘therapy thinking’. The paper proposes that we reconsider what is deemed to be realistic and what is deemed to be (hopelessly) idealistic in thinking about economics. The paper concludes by proposing a deeper discussion of the problematic of sacrifice in connection with sustainable economics.  相似文献   
汉代民间的鬼神祭祀并非单纯地以祈福禳灾为目的,它还包含有以祝诅等巫术伤害他人,被伤害者甚至有可能是最高统治阶层。祭祀中害人巫术的存在,无疑会对社会治安、统治阶层本身乃至统治秩序的正常运行造成影响。面对这样的挑战,汉代的统治阶层设立严刑峻法、设置祠祝官进行抵御;而统治阶层中的知识分子将先秦以来限制祭祀规模的传统理念用于现实政治,致力于革新鬼神观念、宣扬"淫祀无福",试图在思想上对民众进行引导。  相似文献   
以宝鸡赤沙为代表的陕西血社火首先是一种祭祀,相信神灵的存在并向其献祭,是其基本的文化内涵。在这一前提下,血社火中所扮演的人物身份和角色以及故事情节倒是次要的,重要的是其刀劈斧砍、剑刺凳扎及铡刀铡额、利剑穿腹的瞬间残酷的杀人场面。血社火的这一共同而基本的特征蕴含了从原始社会流传下来的古代祭祀的两个重要而独特的因素——人牲和血祭。所有的血故事,无论情节多么曲折,人物形象多么丰满而逼真,或善或恶,都投射了古代以亲子为牲,以族人为牲,以仇人为牲,以俘虏为牲的影子。鲜红的血迹凝结为人们关于几千年来神秘而恐怖的祭祀文化集体无意识的象征符号。这种关于殷周祭祀文化的集体无意识以生命传承的方式依然存留在现代陕西的民间社会,它是生长血社火这一独特民间文化奇葩的根。  相似文献   
仪式的流程是所有与神灵和祖先相关的中国仪式中最为基础的。这些仪式所涉及的是组织仪式活动的祭祀者以及接受祭祀并能够对祭祀活动作出反应的神灵之间的一种关系。在人类学中对仪式的描述有两种范式。一种是“殷勤”(hospitality),另一种则是“祭祀”(sacrifice)。  相似文献   
当社会逐渐发展到以农耕为主的时候,人们的思想和精力更多地放在对自己耕种的谷物的需求上。祈求谷物丰产、生活幸福成了人们的向往,人们按照自己的想象创造了谷精、谷神的形象,并以不同形式对其进行装饰打扮,使其丰富多彩,各具特色,并形成了特定的服饰装扮、祭祀方式和文化现象。从世界各地民间不同的祭谷习俗中可看出他们不同的习俗和服饰文化现象。  相似文献   
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