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引用本文:李玉梅. 贴近基础教育课程改革提升小学师资培养质量[J]. 河套大学学报, 2006, 0(1)
作者单位:河套大学师范部 内蒙古巴彦淖尔市015000
摘    要:当前及今后一个时期,教师教育的重点不是数量的扩张,而在于层次和质量的提升。在提高新师资学历层次的同时,如何切实提升其质量?笔者认为切入点在于:贴近基础教育课程改革的需要,处理好培养目标、课程设置、教育手段和教育评价等诸方面的问题,以切实培养能够适应小学素质教育的现代合格小学教师。

关 键 词:基础教育  课程改革  小学师资培养  层次  质量

Raising the Quality of Future Teachers for Primary Schools
Li yu-mei Teachers'School of Hetao University,Bayannaoer City,Inner Mongolia. Raising the Quality of Future Teachers for Primary Schools[J]. , 2006, 0(1)
Authors:Li yu-mei Teachers'School of Hetao University  Bayannaoer City  Inner Mongolia
Affiliation:Li yu-mei Teachers'School of Hetao University,Bayannaoer City,Inner Mongolia 015000
Abstract:At present and in a certain period to come , the focus of teacher education will not be on the increase in the number of teachers but on the raising of their quality. While they are trained for diploma and degree,attention must be paid to their quality. The author of this paper thinks that it is important to meet the needs of basic education reforms ,upgrading the training,the course set-up,the teaching means and methods and evaluation to produce qualified, competent teachers for primary schools.
Keywords:basic education reform: teacher education  qulity  
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