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引用本文:政治学与国际关系学系. 政治科学与武汉大学--献给武汉大学建校110周年[J]. 武汉大学学报:哲学社会科学版, 2003, 56(6): 772-776
摘    要:政治科学作为一门独立的学科 ,在武汉大学的发展经历了曲折的历程。从1 92 3年国立武昌高等师范学校首开政治学课程 ,到 2 0 0 3年获得政治学一级学科博士学位授予权并通过政治学 (一级学科 )博士后流动站评审 ,整整经历了 80年。其间 ,停停办办 ,分分合合 ,既有解放前由周鲠生、李剑农等著名学者带来的辉煌 ,也有解放初期的低沉消落 ,更有今日以刘德厚等知名学者所引领的政治科学研究的繁荣。政治科学在武汉大学的发展 ,就如同我国社会主义政治的发展一样 ,在经历了波折之后 ,正稳步向前发展。

关 键 词:政治科学  武汉大学

Politics & Wuhan University--For the 110th Anniversary of Wuhan University
Affiliation:Department of Politics & International Relations
Abstract:As an absolute subject, the development of political science in Wuhan University underwent a devious course. From National Wuchang Higher Model School's initiating political curriculum in 1923 to being granted the right to award the degree of doctor, it has been full 80 years. Meantime, the political subject not only had its refulgence brought by the famous scholars such as ZHOU Geng-sheng, LI Jian-nong, also had the overcast in the early days after Liberation and its prosperity brought by today's famous professors such as LIU De-hou. The development of political subject in Wuhan University is just like the development of the Socialist politics, after twists and turns, is advancing with steady steps.
Keywords:politics  Wuhan University
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