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引用本文:张茂元. 技术应用的社会基础中国近代机器缫丝技术应用的比较研究[J]. 社会, 2009, 29(5): 21-38
摘    要:在近代中国,主要集中在长江三角洲和珠江三角洲地区的机器缫丝技术的应用,带来了植桑养蚕和缫丝的专业分化以及职业分化:农民向工人的转变。研究发现,在长三角地区,专业分化发生在城市和农村之间,且表现为一种利益冲突型结构的变革。在新的社会结构中,传统蚕区成为纯粹的原料供应地,蚕农和士绅等群体利益受损,因而售蚕茧并抵制机器缫丝技术的应用。而在珠三角地区,专业分化则发生在家庭内部和乡村内部,蚕农和士绅等利益相关群体能够从技术应用中获益,因而积极支持机器缫丝技术的应用。在珠三角地区,机器缫丝技术应用所建构的社会结构也主要表现为一种利益共享型结构,而技术应用所建构的这种利益共享型结构又极大地促进了技术的应用。

关 键 词:利益共享型变革  利益冲突型变革  互构

The Social Basis of Technology Application: A Comparative Study on the Application of the Steam Filature Assembling in Modern China
Zhang Maoyuan. The Social Basis of Technology Application: A Comparative Study on the Application of the Steam Filature Assembling in Modern China[J]. Society, 2009, 29(5): 21-38
Authors:Zhang Maoyuan
Abstract:In modern China,the application of the steam filature assembling in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta has brought about the specialization in the silk profession of mulberry cultivating,silkworm growing,and filature-farmers being transformed to workers.The study discovered that,in the Yangtze River Delta,the specialization happened between cities and villages,resulting in interest-conflicting structural changes.In the new social structure,the traditional silk areas provided silk cocoons only...
Keywords:inter-construction  interest-conflicting change  interest-sharing change  
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