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一种适用于NGSO MSS网络的混合信道分配方案
引用本文:刘光辉,朱中梁. 一种适用于NGSO MSS网络的混合信道分配方案[J]. 电子科技大学学报(社会科学版), 1999, 0(3)
作者姓名:刘光辉  朱中梁
摘    要:针对NGSOMSS网络的动态特性,提出了一种适用于该网络的混合信道分配方案。在该方案中,固定信道采用非均匀压缩图案分配算法分配给各小区作为标称信道专用,并定期根据变化了的业务条件进行重新分配,动态信道的指派采用最先可行FA(FirstAvailable)算法。仿真结果表明,在较宽的负载范围内,运用该方案比固定信道分配方案均有更好的性能,并能有效地降低切换呼叫和信道更新期间的呼损率,从而显著提高网络的业务承载量。

关 键 词:非静止轨道移动卫星  卫星业务网络  混合信道分配  压缩图案分配  服务等级

A Hybrid Channel Assignment Scheme for NGSO MSS Networks
Liu Guanghui, Zhu Zhongliang. A Hybrid Channel Assignment Scheme for NGSO MSS Networks[J]. Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Social Sciences Edition), 1999, 0(3)
Authors:Liu Guanghui   Zhu Zhongliang
Abstract:According to the dynamic features of NGSO MSS networks,this paper puts forward ahybrid channel assignment scheme.In the scheme,fixed channels are allocated to cells for exclusive use asnominal channels and reallocated after periodic time in terms of time-variant traffic distribution usingununiform compact pattern allocation algorithm. Available algorithm is used to assign dynamic channels.Computer simulation results show that the HCA scheme has better performance compared with FCAscheme and can effectively reduce handover failure and call disruption rates on channel updating times,thus greatly improve network traffic-carrying capacity.
Keywords:nongeostationary orbit mobile satellite  mobile satellite networks: Hybrid channelassignment  compact pattern allocation  grade of service
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