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引用本文:周相录. 有关元稹几个问题的新考订[J]. 河南社会科学, 2002, 10(4): 150-152
作者单位:河南师范大学 中文系,河南 新乡 453002
摘    要:中唐文坛元白并称,但对元稹的研究历来萧条得多,以致使一些基本问题长时期未得到解决,如所谓元稹初仕于河东或河中,其实是子虚乌有;所谓段氏志的不同“版本”意味着元稹品行低劣,其实不过是用“邻人偷斧”的眼光看问题的结果;所谓元稹拜相前后曾移居安仁里,其实是误信了《唐诗纪事》、《云溪友议》误合元稹与元载为一人的记载;所谓元稹《除夜酬乐天》作于长庆三年,其实应作于大和二年;所谓《酬乐天待漏入阁见赠》作于长庆元年十月后,其实应作于十月前。澄清事实真相,将有助于促进元稹研究的进一步深入。

关 键 词:元稹  初仕  段氏志  考订

The examination and correction on YUAN Zhen
ZHOU Xiang-lu. The examination and correction on YUAN Zhen[J]. Henan Social Sciences, 2002, 10(4): 150-152
Authors:ZHOU Xiang-lu
Abstract:The study on YUAN Zhen has been ratively weak,although YUAN Zhen and BAI Ju-yi was acclaimed simultaneously in the literary world of Tang Dynasty.It makes some basic problems on YUAN Zhen hasn't receive settlement over a tong time.What is called that YUAN Zhen filled an office at the east or middle of the river at the beginning,in fact,it is nonexistent.What is called that YUAN Zhen's conduct is inferior.It is actually fictitious.What is so called that Recompense heaven on New Year's Eve was writen in the third year during changqing period,it is actually in the second year during Dahe period,etc.Clarify the truth of the matter will do good to the study on YUAN Zhen further.
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