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引用本文:袁刚,陈雪嵩,杨先哲. “问题与主义”之争九十年回顾与思考[J]. 学术探索, 2009, 0(3): 85-92
作者姓名:袁刚  陈雪嵩  杨先哲
摘    要:90年前五四运动后不久由胡适发起的“问题与主义”论争影响深远,但由于对发起的复杂背景缺乏疏理也产生了文本误读,或因政治意识形态原因而有所误解。本文在查阅大量原始文献和相关资料的基础上,重新考查了论争发起原因、论辩内容及后人评价。认为论争是从学术角度谈论政治,旨在破除“假、大、空”,注重实践,其思想解放的警示意义至今仍在。

关 键 词:胡适  五四运动  问题与主义之争  实验主义

The Review and Study of the "Problems and Doctrines" Debate 90 Years Ago
YUAN Gang,CHEN Xue-song,YANG Xian-zhe. The Review and Study of the "Problems and Doctrines" Debate 90 Years Ago[J]. Academic Research, 2009, 0(3): 85-92
Authors:YUAN Gang  CHEN Xue-song  YANG Xian-zhe
Affiliation:YUAN Gang, CHEN Xue - song, YANG Xian- zhe(School of Govemment Administration, Beijing University, Beijing, 100871, China)
Abstract:The far- reaching debate of "problems and doctrines" was started by Hushi shortly after the May 4 Movement 90 years ago. However, the debate was greatly misunderstood because of a poor understanding of its background or because of political and ideological reasons. In this study, the debate is reexamined concerning its start, content and subsequent comments based on a research of the original literature or data. It is found out that the debate aimed at politics from the academic perspective, highlighting practice while refuting the "false, big and empty" styles. The debate is thus of meat warning significance to the present time.
Keywords:Hushi  the May 4 Movement  the debate of "problems and doctrines"  experimentalism
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