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Social workers' use of the language of social justice
Authors:Hawkins, L   Fook, J   Ryan, M
Abstract:Summary This paper examines the use of social justice terminology bya number of beginning and experienced social workers. Transcriptsof interviews about social workers' practice from another ofthe authors' studies (qualitative study of social work knowledgeand skill development) are analysed for use of terminology consistentwith social justice ideals, and for other predominant themes.Findings indicate that social justice terms are little used,even when discussing practice scenarios which might clearlysuggest issues of social justice. A significant proportion ofworkers' language demonstrates an awareness of social environmentalfactors, but a predominant language usage implies approacheswhich could be seen as inconsistent with social justice individualisticfocus on the analysis of practice scenarios, and what we havetermed a 'professional', that is, ambivalent orientation towardssocial action. Implications of the study include the need toquestion and/or reaffirm the social justice basis of socialwork, particularly through the construction and use of relevantlanguage to frame our practice.
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