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A Dimensional CLT for Non-Central Wilks' Lambda in Multivariate Analysis
Authors:Ronald W. Butler   Andrew T. A. Wood
Affiliation:Colorado State University; University of Nottingham
Abstract.  We consider the non-central distribution of the classical Wilks' lambda statistic for testing the general linear hypothesis in MANOVA. We prove that as the dimension of the observation vector goes to infinity, Wilks' lambda obeys a central limit theorem under simple growth conditions on the non-centrality matrix. In one case we also prove a stronger result: the saddlepoint cumulative distribution function (CDF) approximation for the standardized version of Wilks' lambda converges uniformly on compact sets to the standard normal CDF. These theoretical results go some way towards explaining why saddlepoint approximations to the distribution of Wilks' lambda retain excellent accuracy in high-dimensional cases.
Keywords:cumulants    hypergeometric function    likelihood ratio    method of moments    moment generating function    zonal polynomials
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