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引用本文:杨军昌. 贵州农村特困人口移民搬迁及扶贫开发[J]. 人口与经济, 2003, 0(4)
作者单位:贵州大学人口研究中心 贵州贵阳550025
摘    要:本文站在我国 2 1世纪扶贫攻坚战略与可持续发展高度 ,对贵州所开展的特殊扶贫方式———移民搬迁扶贫开发在效益、经验和存在问题上进行了总结和研究。认为移民搬迁扶贫开发是解决贵州农村特困人口温饱、走向发展的一条有效途径 ,并结合贵州省情对 2 1世纪初贵州特困人口移迁安置的指导思想、原则、搬迁重点区域、搬迁方式及保障措施等提出了自己的看法

关 键 词:贵州  农村  特困人口  移迁安置  扶贫开发

Assisting the Particular Poor and Development through Migration
YANG Jun chang. Assisting the Particular Poor and Development through Migration[J]. Population & Economics, 2003, 0(4)
Authors:YANG Jun chang
Abstract:Grounding on the strategies of assisting the poor and sustainable development, the paper summarizes the benefits, experiences and problems caused by the specific way of assisting the poor, i.e. migration, and makes further studies. Migration of the poor is an effective way to leading the rural poor in Guizhou province to get rid of poverty and to developing. Combining with the specific situations in Guizhou province, the author proposes opinions on how to settle the poor migrants down and security measures.
Keywords:Guizhou  countryside  the particularly poor  migration and settle down  assisting the poor and development  
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