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引用本文:李思清. 舫斋载笔:清史馆文人群体的形成[J]. 北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2012, 10(4): 26-35
摘    要:清史馆于1914年由中华民国北洋政府下令成立。赵尔巽受聘出任馆长后,在很大程度上主导了纂修人员的聘任。所聘纂修人员以前清进士为多,并适当照顾因辛亥革命落职从而陷入经济窘境的贫弱翰林。清史馆成员在清代光绪、宣统年间多已成名,入民国后成为世所瞩目的"清遗民"群体,所修《清史稿》也被视为"敌视民国"的"忠清史学"。从清史馆的人事结构及修史进程来看,清史馆成员的年龄、身份、文化立场既有共性,更有差异。当整个社会普遍趋"新",文化思潮日新月异之时,清史馆成员在东华门内的修史行为貌似"落后"、"保守",其实也是光宣文人深思熟虑之后的文化应对。他们的无奈、忧虑及"以旧撞新"都足以昭示现代中国文化格局的多重性及文化嬗变的曲折艰难。

关 键 词:清史馆  人事结构  修史分期  光宣文人  现代中国

Compilation in Fangzhai:the Formation of Literati Group in Qingshi Guan
LI Si-qing. Compilation in Fangzhai:the Formation of Literati Group in Qingshi Guan[J]. Journal of Beijing University(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2012, 10(4): 26-35
Authors:LI Si-qing
Affiliation:LI Si-qing(Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,University of Macau,Macau 00853,China)
Abstract:As a bureau for Compiling the History of Qing Dynasty,Qingshi Guan was established by the Republic of China’s Beiyang Government in 1914.As the President,ZHAO Erxun was dominant in the compilers’ employment.Many of the compilers were of those Jinshi who had been the notable figures in late Qing dynasty.Some old and poor Hanlin were employed by Qingshi Guan when they had been ousted of their official positions and without any incomes since the 1911 Revolution.From the viewpoint of public,most compilers were still faithful to the former Emperor and the former Qing Dynasty.The Draft of Qing History,which compiled by them,was regarded as a book which represented a great loyalty to the old Qing.But there were more differences than consistencies between those compilers at the aspects of age,identity,and cultural standpoint,and this could be deduced from the structure of the staff and the process of compiling.Entering a new era which was full of all kinds of new thoughts,but those compilers still showed a backward,conservative stance in their compilation to the public.They looked so incapable,so anxious,and they hit the culture’s new side with the old side.In fact,as the former "reformers",they just do what they could do,and just do what they want to do after deliberative consideration.Thus the situation of modern China appeared too multiple,too complicated to meet a new cultural era entirely.
Keywords:Qingshi Guan  structure of compilers  stages of compiling  the group of Guang-Xuan Literati  modern China
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