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引用本文:李洪波. 完全学分制基本问题探析[J]. 江苏大学学报(高教研究版), 2002, 0(3)
作者单位:江苏大学工商管理学院 江苏镇江212013
基金项目:江苏省教育科学规划项目 (Cc -2 0 0 1-10 -0 16 )
摘    要:完全学分制实行选课制、弹性学制 ,实施目标管理 ,尊重个性差异。完全学分制与其他形式的学分制相比改革程度更深 ,具有很多优势 :它有利于因材施教 ,调动教师教学的积极性 ,提高教师素质 ,有利于促进教学管理科学化 ,有利于文理交融 ,实施素质教育和高等教育大众化等 ,是真正意义上的学分制。随着我国社会主义市场经济的逐步完善和高等教育大众化的到来 ,完全学分制的推广将成为历史的必然。

关 键 词:完全学分制  高等教育大众化  发展  特征

On Basic Problems of the Complete Credit System
LI Hong-bo. On Basic Problems of the Complete Credit System[J]. Journal of Zhenjiang Teachers College(Philosophy & Social Science Edition), 2002, 0(3)
Authors:LI Hong-bo
Abstract:The complete credit system includes courses-selecting system and elastic academic year system aiming at targets administration with an emphasis on students' personality differences. It is not "completely" good, but its reform extent is larger than others' credit systems and has more advantages. It facilitates to stimulate the enthusiasm of the teacher's teaching, to improve their competence and a scientific administration, to integrate liberal arts and science, to carry out quality-oriented education and popularize advanced education. With the gradually perfecting of Market Economy in china and the popularity of advanced education, to spread the complete credit system would be a historical trend.
Keywords:complete credit system  popularity of advanced education  development  character  
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