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引用本文:南长森,许楠. 问题广域与智能培育:2018年新闻传播学科研究综述[J]. 长安大学学报(社会科学版), 2019, 0(1): 70-96
作者姓名:南长森  许楠
作者单位:陕西师范大学 新闻与传播学院,陕西 西安 710119
摘    要:从引发、颠覆、重塑、变革的逻辑关联视角出发,通过文献梳理、对比分析的研究方法纵览和梳理2018年中国新闻传播舆论场域纷繁复杂的舆论生态、传媒市场竞争日趋激烈的发展态势、传媒产业高歌猛进的发展趋向以及新闻传播学科发展在百年新闻传播教育发展节点所面临的历史机遇和挑战。研究认为,2018年中国新闻传播学科研究呈现出问题广域与智能培育并行的发展面貌,主要表现在以下方面:马克思主义新闻观中国化研究不断深入且价值意义日益凸显,习近平总书记对于新闻舆论工作的重要讲话和指导是马克思主义新闻观中国化优秀成果的精髓,也是中国新闻传播事业在学科建设、业界发展、学界研究、传媒教育等方面的前进方向和行动指南,必须深入体会、牢牢坚守、主动贯彻;媒体融合在经历了“中央厨房”为代表的媒体融合初级阶段尝试后,媒体融合的版图格局逐渐从中央下放至县区,助推县级融媒体建设,巩固基层主流舆论引导力和影响力;新闻伦理培育和规范在智媒技术勃兴和逆全球化思潮的影响下乱象丛生,但马克思主义新闻观中国化的理解和贯彻日趋深入,中国传媒规制日趋成熟和传媒生态管理手段日益多样化,同时,媒介自律和他律体系的进一步完善也在助推中国传媒伦理格局和生态朝着积极良性方向发展;媒介赋权下舆论引导呈现双重景观:舆情引爆成本不断降低,舆情监测技术渐趋成熟,技术发展之盛并不代表舆论引导效力之强,舆论引导的竞争力归根到底是对舆情分析和处理专业化人才的资源优势占有能力;知识付费消费业态的兴起,使得传媒版权保护日益成为焦点话题,新媒体时代下的版权保护既有植根于传统版权保护顶层设计中的理论精髓,也有新媒体时代下的特性和差异,既要看到顶层设计对版权产业规范发展的政策倾斜和版权产业健康发展的市场效益和文化价值,同又要看到版权产业发展中的规则机制细化不到位、版权监管执法难落地、版权产业专业人才培养有差距等问题,形成一套新媒体时代下的传媒版权保护新机制;传统媒体转型的步伐从未停止,在变化中求生存,在转型中求市场,把握“变”与“不变”的平衡,也是传统媒体在面对激烈的传媒市场竞争的外部环境和培育品牌核心竞争力的内在需求中需要把握的一个经营理念的动态平衡;“育新人”是中国新闻传播学科教育时代命题,在机遇与挑战并存的当下,坚持马克思主义新闻观对于新闻传播教育的指导地位,培养具有跨学科视野和复合型能力的专业化新闻传播人才是完成“育新人”时代使命的基本遵循;中国新闻传播史研究也呈现出全方位、多领域、微选题、厚积累的发展态势;镜鉴历史,积累经验才能在瞬息万变的当下恪守初心,面向未来,反省自身才能提升新闻传播学科的发展质量和研究高度。

关 键 词:问题广域  智能培育  新闻传播  马克思主义新闻观  媒介融合  新闻伦理  传播理论  版权保护

Problems in wide area and intelligent cultivation:an overview of the study of journalism and communication in 2018
NAN Changsen,XU Nan. Problems in wide area and intelligent cultivation:an overview of the study of journalism and communication in 2018[J]. Journal of Chang'an University(Social Sciences Edition), 2019, 0(1): 70-96
Authors:NAN Changsen  XU Nan
Affiliation:School of Journalism and Communication,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710119,Shaanxi,China
Abstract:In this paper, from the perspective of the logical connection between initiation, subversion, reconstruction and change, the research methods of literature review and comparative analysis are used to review the complex public opinion ecology of the public opinion field of China’s journalism communication in 2018, the increasingly fierce development trend of media market competition, the development trend of media industry, and the historical opportunities and challenges faced by the development of journalism communication subject in the development nodes of journalism communication education in the past century. It is believed that the research on journalism and communication subject in China in 2018 shows the development of problem wide area and intelligent cultivation in parallel. It is mainly manifested in the following aspects: the study of Marxist journalism in China is going in depth and related value has become increasingly prominent. General Secretary XI Jinping’s important speech and guidance on the work of journalism and public opinion is the essence of the outstanding achievements of Marxist journalism in China, and also the trend and guideline for actions in the subject construction, industry development, academic research, media education, etc., and must be thoroughly understood, firmly adhered to, and actively implemented. The layout of media integration after the initial stage of media integration represented by the “Central Kitchen”has gradually decentralized from the central government to the counties, boosting the construction of county level media, and consolidating the mainstream public opinion and influence. The cultivation and regulation of journalistic ethics is chaotic under the influence of intellectual media technology and counter globalization thinking. However, the understanding and implementation of Marxist journalism in China has become more and more in depth with the increasingly mature media regulation in China and the increasingly diversified media ecological management methods. The further improvement of the media self discipline and other systems of law also promotes the development of the Chinese media ethics and ecology towards a positive and benign direction. Under the media empowerment, public opinion guides the emergence of a dual landscape: the cost of public opinion detonation continues to decrease, and the public opinion monitoring technology is gradually maturing. The prosperity of technological development does not mean that the effectiveness of public opinion guidance is strong. The competitiveness guided by public opinion is, in the final analysis, the ability to analyze and deal with the resource advantages of specialized talents. The rise of the knowledge paid consumer format has made media copyright protection increasingly a topic of focus. Copyright protection in the new media era is rooted in the theoretical essence of the traditional top level design of copyright protection, as well as the characteristics and differences in the new media era. It is necessary to see the policy inclination of the top level design on the development of the copyright industry and the market efficiency and cultural value of the healthy development of the copyright industry.
Keywords:problems in wide area  intelligent cultivation  journalism and communication  Marxist journalism  media integration  journalistic ethics  communication theory  copyright protection
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