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Le modèle de « l'État-stratège » : genèse d'une forme organisationnelle dans l'administration française
Authors:Philippe Bezes
Affiliation:Centre d'études et de recherches de science administrative (Cersa), CNRS-université Paris-II, 10, rue Thénard, 75005 Paris, France
Since the 1990s, a new organisational form of the administrative system in France has been steadily redefining relations between central administrations and local state units. Labelled “the steering state” or the “managerial state”, this new paradigm hinges on separating the strategic functions of steering and controlling the state from the operational functions of execution and policy implementation. The making of this new form of state organization involves two parallel processes: political and cognitive. For one thing, the adoption of concrete measures for “government at distance” results from power struggles between three major ministries (Home Office, Budget and Civil Service). For another, a new legitimate “categorization of the state” is being formed in the major committees involved in the reform process of the 1990s; it is borne by top civil servants and inspired by the ideas of New Public Management. — Special issue: New patterns of institutions.
Keywords:Administration   Bureaucratie   É  tat    forme administrative    forme de l'É  tat   Forme organisationnelle   Loi de finances   Haute fonction publique    concentration
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