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引用本文:刘振宁. “格义”:唐代景教的传教方略——兼论景教的“格义”态势[J]. 贵州大学学报(社会科学版), 2007, 25(5): 19-31
摘    要:唐代景教流播华土达两个多世纪,既苦其心志,又劳其筋骨,最终竟落得个"了无痕迹"的悲戚结局。既未能让华夏民族皈依上帝,成为基督的羔羊,也无法使中华文化吸纳福音的光芒,甚至自身的文化身份都无力获得全面的显彰。毫无疑问,如此的命运,同其效法佛教初传华土时的"格义"方略间不无关系。那么,景教"格义"的动因何在?景教"格义"的态势如何?此乃本文拟将开掘和阐释的论旨所在。

关 键 词:景教  格义  异质性  态势  跨文化交际

On the Strategy of Geyi by Nestorianism for Dissemination in the Tang Dynasty
LIU Zhen-ning. On the Strategy of Geyi by Nestorianism for Dissemination in the Tang Dynasty[J]. Journal of Guizhou University(Social Science), 2007, 25(5): 19-31
Authors:LIU Zhen-ning
Abstract:The Nestorianism in the Tang Dynasty existed for over two centuries.It experienced high and low;yet in the end,it did not produce a successful result.It could neither make the Chinese people follow the God in Christianity nor spread the ideology of Bible among the Chinese people.What is more,it could not demonstrate the Chinese culture successfully.Without question,such a result is related to the strategy of Geyi that followed the pattern of Buddhism when it began to spread in China.Then,what is the motive of Geyi by Nestorianism? And what is the situation about it? These are the questions that the present paper intends to focus on and to answer.
Keywords:Nestorianism  Geyi  heterogeneity  situation  cross-cultural communication
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