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引用本文:董慧. 浅析和谐社会下的考试公正[J]. 吉首大学学报(社会科学版), 2008, 29(4): 146-149
作者单位:(华中科技大学 马克思主义学院,湖北 武汉 430074)
摘    要:公正是和谐社会与教育的共同诉求。考试是人们日益广泛使用的对有限社会教育机会和资源进行公平分配的一种较为合适的筛选方式,伴随着考试地位的日渐显要,考试公正问题也日益成为人们关注的中心。考试公正决定着考试的是否合理,考试是否合理又决定着教育机会和资源的分配是否合理,继而潜在或现实地影响社会其它机会和资源的分配是否合理。因此考试公正承载着对于社会、人自身发展而言所必备的重要社会责任。当前和谐社会建构中有诸多“不和谐”因素,考试不公正就是其表现之一。本文揭示了考试公正作为教育公正具体表现的内涵,试分析了考试不公正的原因,并从观念层面、制度层面及资源配置层面对和谐社会中达到考试公正的思路与对策对了说明。

关 键 词:公正  考试公正  和谐社会  

On the Examination Justice in the Harmonious Society
DONG Hui. On the Examination Justice in the Harmonious Society[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Social Science), 2008, 29(4): 146-149
Authors:DONG Hui
Affiliation:(College of Marxism,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,Hubei 430074,China)
Abstract:Justice is the appeal of both harmonious society and education. Examination is the appropriate and increasingly-used selection mode in the justice distribution of the limited educational chances and resources. Along with the importance of examination,examination justice has become the center of people’s attention. It decides whether the examination is rational,decides whether educational chances and resources are distributed properly,and potentially or realistically decides whether other social chances and resources are distributed in a just way. It bears the weight of the social responsibility which is necessary for the development of society as well as human being. Examination injustice is one of the representations of inharmonious factors in the construction of harmonious society. The paper aims at revealing the examination justice as the connotation of education justice,analyzing the reasons of examination injustice. Furthermore,the author illustrates how to reach examination justice from the perspectives of conception,system,and resource distribution.
Keywords:justice  examination justice  harmonious society
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