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引用本文:盛 颉,李 磊. 乡村振兴视域下农民获得感现状与提升路径研究[J]. 西昌学院学报(社会科学版), 2020, 32(3): 56-62
作者姓名:盛 颉  李 磊
作者单位:安徽农业大学人文社会科学学院,安徽 合肥 230036
摘    要:“获得感”具有经济、政治、社会生活多层面的丰富内涵,在改革与发展中提升人民群众的获得感,是党和国家一直努力奋斗的目标和方向。以农民群体的获得感为研究对象,从国家实施的一系列惠农政策对农民群体的影响为切入点,首先通过纵向比较,从经济获得感、政治获得感、民生获得感三个角度,探讨当前中国农民的获得感现状,并通过横向的城乡比较来分析当前中国农民获得感现状,最后结合乡村振兴的战略布局和要求,从推进产业振兴、优化生态环境、培育文明乡风、加强基层治理与促进生活富裕五方面对提升中国农民获得感的实践路径提出建议和对策。

关 键 词:乡村振兴战略  农民获得感  相对剥夺感  提升路径

Study on Farmers' Current Sense of Gain andApproaches to Its Promotion from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization
SHENG Jie,LI Lei. Study on Farmers' Current Sense of Gain andApproaches to Its Promotion from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization[J]. Journal of Xichang College(Social Science Edition), 2020, 32(3): 56-62
Authors:SHENG Jie  LI Lei
Affiliation:School of Humanities and Social Sciences,AnhuiAgricultural University, Hefei,Anhui 230036, China
Abstract:"Sense of gain" has rich economic, political and social life connotations, and it is the goal and direction the Party and the State have been striving for in the course of reform and development. With farmers'' sense of gain as our research focus, and with the effect of a series of favorable national policies on farmers as our starting point,firstly we made a longitudinal comparison to discuss current Chinese farmers'' sense of gain from the three aspects: economic gain, political gain, and livelihood gain, secondly we made a horizontal comparison of urban and rural to analyze current Chinese Farmers'' sense of gain, and finally, in relation to the strategic plan and requirements for rural revitalization, we proposed ideas and strategies for practical approaches to the promotion of Chinese farmers''sense of gain from the five aspects: promotion of industrial revitalization, optimization of ecological environment,cultivation of civilized rural custom, improvement of grass-roots management, and promotion of farmers'' well-being.
Keywords:strategy for rural vitalization   farmer''s sense of gain   sense of relative deprivation   approach to promotion
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