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Anatomy of Protest in the Digital Era: A Network Analysis of Twitter and Occupy Wall Street
Authors:Mark Tremayne
Affiliation:1. Department of Communication, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, USAtremayne@uta.edu
Abstract:Two months before the first Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protest in September 2011, activists were using Twitter to organize and spread the movement. In this study, the earliest Twitter messages regarding #OccupyWallStreet were subjected to network analysis to answer these questions: What were the central hubs in the OWS discourse on Twitter in the summer of 2011? How did OWS emerge from among several social movement organizations to lead a nationwide series of demonstrations? What were the key points in the Twitter dialogue that aided the process of scale shift? By addressing these questions, this research connects social movement concepts with network centrality measures to provide a clearer picture of movements in the digital era.
Keywords:Network analysis  Occupy Wall Street  social media  social movements  scale shift  social networking  Twitter  diffusion
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