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A lattice of participation: reflecting on examples of children's and young people's collective engagement in influencing social welfare policies and practices
Authors:Cath Larkins  Johanna Kiili  Kati Palsanen
Affiliation:1. The Centre for Children's and Young People's Participation, School of Social Work, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UKCLarkins@uclan.ac.uk;3. Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyv?skyl?, Jyv?skyl?, Finland;4. Heikki Waris Institute &5. The Centre of Excellence on Social Welfare in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Helsinki, Finland
The article introduces four case studies from Wales, France and Finland and explores the situated, intergenerational and dynamic nature of collective participation in child welfare settings. Collective participation is conceived of as a process of engagement in which children and young people have some influence over the initiation or direction of a project; and as seeking a product, or outcome. The case studies represent a range of forms of collective engagement and highlight some key resources which supported children's participation (communicative spaces, time, money, knowledge, social position, attitudes, social networks, institutional commitment, equipment, food and transport). Challenges encountered in achieving effective participation in different nations within Europe are also identified, related to generation barriers and the distribution of resources. These elements are used to construct a lattice of participation: a model for conceptualising children and young people's collective engagement in participatory projects. The model provides a tool for visualising how, at different stages of a project, actors (children, young facilitators, adults and institutions) exercise influence by directing the use of different resources, such as finance and time. It invites reflection on why influence is limited in some stages of a participatory project, and how it is supported in other stages.
Keywords:collective participation  child welfare  impact  children's participation
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