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Multitaper testing of spectral lines and the detection of the solar rotation frequency and its harmonics
Authors:D. G. T. Denison,A. T. Walden,A. Balogh,&   R. J. Forsyth
Affiliation:Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK
Abstract:We develop statistical testing methodology for closely spaced spectral lines based on multitaper spectrum estimates and apply it to a time series of solar magnetic field magnitude data recorded by the Ulysses spacecraft. The test is formulated through complex-valued weighted least squares. Using this test in combination with the test for well-separated lines, we can accurately detect the solar equatorial rotation frequency of the sun, and its harmonics, from data recorded by Ulysses's magnetometer at solar mid-latitudes; this is a potentially important result for solar physicists, since it has implications for the structure and dynamics of magnetic fields in the solar corona.
Keywords:Complex-valued weighted least squares    Multitapering    Solar rotation    Spectral lines    Ulysses spacecraft
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