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引用本文:吴振华. 论“盛唐气象”与盛唐诗序的文体特征[J]. 宁波大学学报(人文科学版), 2018, 0(2): 1-8
作者单位:(安徽师范大学 文学院,安徽 芜湖 241002)
摘    要:盛唐气象是盛唐时代精神的特征,是盛唐文化诗性品质的内核,在盛唐诗序中也有典型表现。具体为:从君王到普通诗人对国家、民族和自己的前途充满高度的自信,展现出蒸蒸日上的气象及宁静平和的氛围;展现出人们逸兴标举的精神状态、积极进取的豪迈情怀及恢宏壮丽的惊人想象;也体现在衰颓乱世时,人们对盛唐充满无限的追慕。从文体演变角度看,盛唐诗序处于由骈体向散体演进的过渡状态,具有骈散交织的特点,具有追求华丽壮大、气势雄浑的诗性品质,是诗序文体发展的重要阶段。

关 键 词:盛唐气象  盛唐诗序  文体特征

-. -[J]. Journal of Ningbo University(Liberal Arts Edition), 2018, 0(2): 1-8
Abstract:The “phenomena of flourishing Tang Dynasty" is the characteristic of the spirit of Tang Dynasty andthe essence of the poetic character of Tang Dynasty. They present typically in the poetic prefaces of High Tang. They manifest themselves in the full confidence ofthe emperors and the ordinary poets on the country, nationality and their future, showing a prosperous climate and a calm and peaceful atmosphere. They also demonstratethe happy state of people’s mind,the aspiringfeelings of heroic as well as magnificent imagination. Besides, they reflect in times of chaos, people’s endless admiration for High Tang. Viewed from the perspective of stylistic evolution, the poetry order of High Tangis in a transitional state evolving from the parallel styleto the direct prose style.The phenomenaare characterized by the intertwinement of parallel style and prose style and the poetic quality of gorgeous magnificence and powerful potentness, thus marking an important stage of thepoetic style development
Keywords:phenomena of High Tang  poetic prefaces of High Tang  stylistic features
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