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引用本文:杜晓勤. 盛唐“齐梁体”诗及相关问题考论[J]. 北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2011, 0(2)
基金项目:国家社科基金一般项目“中国古代诗歌声律数据库的建立及中近古时期诗歌律化过程研究”[项目批准号:04BZW022]; 2009年度教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”项目[编号:NCET-10-0173]阶段性研究成果
摘    要:齐梁体诗是盛唐诗人在近体律诗定型后刻意仿效齐梁诗风或诗律而创作的一种新诗体。岑参《夜过磐豆隔河望永乐寄闺中效齐梁体》诗不仅在表现题材和诗情、诗境等方面效齐梁赠妇寄闺之作,而且在写法上也通篇皆对、假物比象,充分体现了齐梁体绮秀映带的艺术特点。王昌龄《诗格》齐梁调声条反映了盛唐人对齐梁体诗调声之术的初步认识和理论总结,后人谓唐代即有齐梁调诗是对此书原文的误读。杜甫戏作的吴体诗《愁》与唐人所作、所论齐梁体在诗歌体式和格律方面均有显著之差异,吴体与齐梁体是截然不同的两种诗体。盛唐人之所以不太热衷创作齐梁体诗,存在主客观两方面的因素,而时人普遍对齐梁绮靡诗风和严苛诗律持批判态度是其中主要原因。

关 键 词:盛唐诗歌  岑参  齐梁体  王昌龄《诗格》  《文镜秘府论》  杜甫  吴体  

A Discussion on the Qi-Liang-Style Poetry in the Heyday of the Tang Dynasty and its Relevant Issues
Du Xiaoqin. A Discussion on the Qi-Liang-Style Poetry in the Heyday of the Tang Dynasty and its Relevant Issues[J]. Journal of Peking University(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2011, 0(2)
Authors:Du Xiaoqin
Affiliation:Du Xiaoqin(Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
Abstract:The Qi-Liang-style poetry was a new style of poetry written by the poets in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty,who intentionally imitated the Qi-Liang style after the form of the regulated poetry was established.Inhis poem entitled To My Wife in Yongle When I passed Pandou at Night and Looked Across the River,Cen Sennot only imitated the Qi-Liang-style love poems for wife from the respects of theme,poetic emotion and poeticimagery,but also presented many couplets and metaphors in his writing.In his book entitle...
Keywords:poetry in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty  Cen Shen  Qi-Liang style  Poetic Style by Wang Changling  Wenjing Mifu Lun  Du Fu  Wu style  
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