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引用本文:蔚华萍,邓珊. 韦应物和王维山水田园诗比较[J]. 华北水利水电学院学报(社会科学版), 2005, 21(2): 50-52
作者姓名:蔚华萍  邓珊
作者单位:河北科技师范学院,河北科技师范学院 河北秦皇岛066004,河北秦皇岛066004
摘    要:韦应物和王维作为山水田园诗派的重要代表人物,他们的诗歌在某些风韵和写法技巧上有传承之处,但由于两人的时代背景及生活道路的不同使他们的诗在景物的选取上、诗歌的表现方式及风格上又呈现出各自的特色,即闲适与矛盾的山水境界;理想与写实的表现手法;理想与写实的表现手法;精细与随意的景物选取;诗中有画与诗中有人;清淡与清香的风格。

关 键 词:韦应物  王维  题材倾向  风格

Comparison of landscape and pastoral poety between WeiYingwu and WangWei
WEI Hua_ping,DENG Shan. Comparison of landscape and pastoral poety between WeiYingwu and WangWei[J]. Journal of North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power(Social Sciences Edition), 2005, 21(2): 50-52
Authors:WEI Hua_ping  DENG Shan
Abstract:As the significant representative figure in the school of landscape and pastoral poety ,WeiYingwu and WangWei come down in one continuous line in terms of romantic charm and writing technigues in poetry writing. Nevertheless, due to the differences of age, background and ways of life the two poets show their own characteristics respectively in terms of the choices of scenery ,the form of expressionAnd the style of expression.
Keywords:WeiYingwu  WangWei  theme trend  style  
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