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引用本文:叶辉. 从《新上海》窥探近代上海知识分子的边缘化心态[J]. 上海大学学报(社会科学版), 2002, 9(3): 34-36
作者单位:复旦大学 中文系,上海 200433
摘    要:近代小说家陆士谔生活在清末民初时期的上海,这个时期上海的社会文化环境给他提供了从更深层来观察知识分子的外在契机,使他能够超越同时期知识分子的普遍文化心态,主动地从中心位置向边缘游离。辛亥革命前夕,他创作了被称作“清末十大谴责小说”之一的长篇小说《新上海》,从这部作品中,我们可以窥探到他本人以及当时上海一部分知识分子的某些超越于同时代的边缘化心态。

关 键 词:陆士谔  《新上海》  知识分子  边缘化心态

To Perceive Modern Shanghai Intellectual''''s Marginal State of Mind from New Shanghai
YE Hui. To Perceive Modern Shanghai Intellectual''''s Marginal State of Mind from New Shanghai[J]. Journal of Shanghai University(Social Science Edition), 2002, 9(3): 34-36
Authors:YE Hui
Abstract:The modern novelist Lu Shi'e lived in the end of Qing Dynasty and the beginning of Min-guo period. The social and cultural surroundings of that time supplied him with special extrinsic juncture which made it possible for him to observe the intelligentsia more profoundly and then overstep the intellectuals' cultural thoughts at his time and initiativcly dissociate from the center to the marginal position. Before the Xin-hai revolution, he wrote a novel New Shanghai, which is called one of the ten condemn novels of the end of Qing Dynasty. From this novel, we can perceive Lu Shi'e's and at his time some intellectual's marginal state of mind.
Keywords:Lu Shi'e  New Shanghai  the intelligentsia  marginal state of mind  
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