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引用本文:宋淑玉. 台湾中华文化复兴运动述论[J]. 北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2006, 4(2): 78-82
摘    要:台湾的中华文化复兴运动是台湾历史上影响巨大的一场社会运动。对此学者虽有关注,但就该运动持续之久,影响之广而言,现有的研究深度还远远不够。因此,有必要利用新挖掘的史料,对该运动发起的因缘、运动的内容与历程以及运动的影响与意义,重新做一探讨与分析。这在一定程度上不仅加强了台湾历史文化的研究,同时对揭露当今的“文化台独”也具有一定的现实意义。

关 键 词:台湾  中华文化  复兴运动

On Chinese Cultural Renaissance in Taiwan
SONG Shu-yu. On Chinese Cultural Renaissance in Taiwan[J]. Journal of Beijing University(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2006, 4(2): 78-82
Authors:SONG Shu-yu
Abstract:Chinese Cultural Renaissance in Taiwan since 1967 was a socially cultural campaign in the history of Taiwan.Based on new documents available,it aims at exploring the causes,activities and the impact of the campaign.It is a contribution to the study of Taiwan historical culture,and at the same time,has a realistic significance in exposing the real purposes of the "cultural independence" in Taiwan today.
Keywords:Taiwan  Chinese culture  renaissance
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