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引用本文:孙淑玲,姜海燕,于学江. 论中国农村现代化的道路选择[J]. 青岛农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2004, 16(3): 9-12
作者姓名:孙淑玲  姜海燕  于学江
摘    要:中国农村现代化道路选择必须符合中国农村的现实。建国以来尤其是改革开放以来中国农村发生了巨大的变化,但是农民占全国总人口的绝大多数的状况没有得到根本的改变,农业机械化程度低、农业生产仍然是以劳动密集型为主、对自然条件和气候等因素依赖性很强的局面没有根本改变,农村人力资源开发利用不足、农民素质低下而过剩的局面没有根本改变,农业自然资源的人均占有量少的状况没有得到根本改变。在这样的情况下如何实现中国农村现代化,学术界理论界众说纷纭,笔者认为大力发展乡镇企业是实现中国农村现代化的一条捷径。

关 键 词:农村现代化  道路  选择

On the Choice of the Path to Chinese Rural Modernization
SUN Shu-ling,JIANG Hai-yan,YU Xue-jiang. On the Choice of the Path to Chinese Rural Modernization[J]. Journal of Laiyang Agricultural College(Social Science Edition), 2004, 16(3): 9-12
Authors:SUN Shu-ling  JIANG Hai-yan  YU Xue-jiang
Abstract:The choice of the path to Chinese rural modernization should accord with the reality of Chinese countryside. Great changes have taken place in rural areas since 1949, especially since the practice of our policy of reform and opening up, however, it is true that peasants still constitute the vast majority of the Chinese population, and that agricultural production centers on labors and depends on natural conditions and climate to a great degree, and that labor power in rural areas aren't made full use of and the low quality of peasants causes labor surplus, and that per possession of agricultural natural resources is relatively less than most developed countries. On the condition, people in academic and theoretical fields express their different opinions on how to realize Chinese rural modernization. The author is of the idea that developing rural enterprises vigorously is a shortcut to realize Chinese rural modernization.
Keywords:rural modernization  the path  choice
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