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引用本文:周丽莉,丁东洋. 基于MCMC模拟的贝叶斯分层信用风险评估模型[J]. 统计与信息论坛, 2011, 0(12): 26-31
作者姓名:周丽莉  丁东洋
基金项目:江西省高校人文社会科学研究规划项目《开放经济下信用风险转移对金融稳定的影响研究》(JJ1138); 天津社科规划项目《宏观统计数据可靠性评估方法研究》(TJTJ10-651); 全国统计科研计划项目《小域估计理论及其在我国统计调查中的应用》(2009LZ020)
摘    要:

关 键 词:信用风险  贝叶斯方法  分层模型  马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗模拟

Bayesian Hierarchical Credit Risk Model Based on MCMC Method
ZHOU Li-lia,DING Dong-yangb. Bayesian Hierarchical Credit Risk Model Based on MCMC Method[J]. Statistics & Information Tribune, 2011, 0(12): 26-31
Authors:ZHOU Li-lia  DING Dong-yangb
Affiliation:ZHOU Li-lia,DING Dong-yangb(a.School of Economics and Management,b.School of Public Administration,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China)
Lacking of default data and debtor's heterogeneity are important issues in the credit risk measurement.The incorporation of hierarchical prior information and Markov Chain Mont Carlo simulation in Bayesian models mitigate the problems of sparse data and measurement error effectively,can also evaluate and compare the heterogeneity of debtors,thereby avoid underestimating the risk.The examples of model fitting and diagnostics utilizing the bank data show the adaptability and flexibility of hierarchical estima...
Keywords:credit risk  Bayesian methods  hierarchical model  MCMC simulation  
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