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The Interface of Racial Identity Development with Identity Complexity in Clinical Social Work Student Practitioners
Authors:Dennis Miehls
Affiliation:(1) School for Social Work, Lilly Hall, Smith College, Northampton, MA, 01063
Abstract:This paper examines the influence that one's racial identity development plays in the overall professional identity development of clinical social work student practitioners. The author discusses race, as a construct, in a post-modern world. Utilizing Saari's (1993, 2000) discussion of identity complexity, the paper demonstrates how the ability to dialogue about issues of race, in a complex and multi-faceted way, is reflective of evolution in one's racial identity development. To further one's identity development, the importance of a dialogical mode of interaction (Bahktin, 1986, 1993) is emphasized.
Keywords:racial identity  identity complexity  dialogism  pedagogy
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