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引用本文:莫运平. 真理与艺术:从柏拉图到海德格尔[J]. 延安大学学报(社会科学版), 2006, 28(6): 34-38
摘    要:诗哲之争由来已久。诗在时间上先于哲学,但在哲学诞生后,它的合法性却要用真理来检验。传统哲学和现代哲学对真理的理解虽有不同,但是无论哲学是以诗无真理非诗,还是以诗含有真理为诗辩护,都反映出了哲学家在解决这一问题时有着共同的政治情结。

关 键 词:真理艺术  合法性  政治情结

A Critical Review on the Relation between Truth and Art
MO Yun-ping. A Critical Review on the Relation between Truth and Art[J]. Journal of Yan'an University (Social Science Edition), 2006, 28(6): 34-38
Authors:MO Yun-ping
Abstract:The controversy of poem and philosophy has a long history.Poem emerged before philosophy,but it's legitimacy had to be checked by truth after philosophy's emerging.Although the traditional philosophy and modern philosophy have different conception of truth,the philosophers have the same politic complex when they explore the relation of poem and truth.
Keywords:truth  art  legitimacy  politic complex  
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