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Shrinkage Structure of Partial Least Squares
Authors:O. C. Lingjaerde,&   Nils Christophersen
Affiliation:University of Oslo
Abstract:Partial least squares regression (PLS) is one method to estimate parameters in a linear model when predictor variables are nearly collinear. One way to characterize PLS is in terms of the scaling (shrinkage or expansion) along each eigenvector of the predictor correlation matrix. This characterization is useful in providing a link between PLS and other shrinkage estimators, such as principal components regression (PCR) and ridge regression (RR), thus facilitating a direct comparison of PLS with these methods. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the shrinkage structure of PLS, and several new results are presented regarding the nature and extent of shrinkage.
Keywords:Krylov subspace    least squares    partial least squares    principal components    rank deficient    shrinkage estimators    subspace distance
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