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引用本文:毛宣国. 现象学美学的接受与中国新时期美学基本理论的建构[J]. 学术月刊, 2012, 0(2): 95-105
摘    要:中国新时期美学理论的建构,受到现象学美学的深刻影响。现象学美学的诸多理念,与中国传统哲学美学存在许多可以融合沟通的地方,有助于破除传统的美学观念,转变中国当代美学家的思维方式。叶朗建构"美在意象"的理论,强调审美活动是在物理世界之外建构一个情景交融的意象世界;张世英以"显隐说"而不是"典型说"的思维方式看待美学基本理论问题,突出想象在审美活动中的意义;叶秀山将美和艺术看成是人与世界的基本交往形式,认为审美活动的意义首先在于理解我们所生活的这个世界;"新实践美学"以存在论在补充实践论,将美看成是生成的而不是现成的,突出情感在审美活动中的意义,都与现象学美学重视人与世界的本源关系,强调美就存在于现象中的思想密切相关。这一接受事实说明,现象学美学对于中国当代美学理论建设和思维方式转换具有重要意义。

关 键 词:现象学美学  中国当代美学  接受  建构

The Reception of Phenomenological Aesthetics and the Construction of Aesthetic Theory in the New Period of China
Mao Xuanguo. The Reception of Phenomenological Aesthetics and the Construction of Aesthetic Theory in the New Period of China[J]. Academic Monthly, 2012, 0(2): 95-105
Authors:Mao Xuanguo
Affiliation:Mao Xuanguo
Abstract:The construction of aesthetic theory in the new period of China is deeply influenced by the phenomenological aesthetics.It treats aesthetic and artistic activities from the primary relationship between human and the world,pays attention to the original and constitutive features of aesthetics,and emphasizes that the beautiful exists in phenomenon and generates continuously.So,it plays a significant role in breaking away from traditional aesthetic ideas and changing the thinking mode of contemporary Chinese aesthetes.This article which presents the aesthetic practice of Ye Lang,Zhang Shiying,Ye Xiushan,Zhu Liyuan and Deng Xiaomang as examples,discusses the influence on the construction of aesthetic theory in the new period of China and the transformation of the mode of thinking brought by phenomenological aesthetics.
Keywords:phenomenological aesthetics  contemporary Chinese aesthetics  reception  construction
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