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引用本文:王建平. 清季云南回回学者对伊斯兰教和佛教、道教的比较研究[J]. 西北第二民族学院学报, 2003, 0(3): 36-40
作者单位:中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所 北京100732
摘    要:与云南回族社团出现的适应华夏文化的潮流相平行 ,清季的回回宗教知识界中也出现了以理性态度来理解佛教和道教思想的学术探讨。在比较伊斯兰教和释、道宗教的汉文著述活动中 ,回回学者在捍卫伊斯兰教教义的同时 ,也分析了它们之间宗教思想文化的异同以及相互吸纳和排斥关系。

关 键 词:云南回回学者  伊斯兰教  佛教  道教  宗教比较研究

A Comparative Study of Islam with Buddhism and Taoism Made by the Hui Muslim Scholars of Yunnan in Late Qing Dynasty
WANG Jian ping. A Comparative Study of Islam with Buddhism and Taoism Made by the Hui Muslim Scholars of Yunnan in Late Qing Dynasty[J]. Journal of The Second Northwest Institute For Ethnic Minorities(Philosophy and Social Science), 2003, 0(3): 36-40
Authors:WANG Jian ping
Abstract:Parallel with the trend of the acculturation to Chinese cultural life emerged in the Hui communities of Yunnan society, an academic discourse of understanding Buddhism and Taoism with rational approach occurred among the Hui Muslim scholars in the late Qing Dynasty. In the activities of publishing the Chinese works of comparative studies between Islam and Buddhism, Taoism, the Hui Muslim intellectuals analyzed the differences in the religious ideology between them and their relationship of mutual absorption and exclusion, meanwhile they made effort to defend the Islamic doctrine.
Keywords:Yunnan Muslim scholars  Islam  Buddhism  Taoism  religious comparison  
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