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引用本文:汪金峰,杨丽宁. 新生代农民工与社会稳定的关系[J]. 重庆邮电学院学报(社会科学版), 2014, 0(2): 133-136
作者姓名:汪金峰  杨丽宁
摘    要:新生代农民工是我国经济社会发展中新出现的一个特殊而又极为重要的庞大群体,他们的文化程度有了显著的提高——近50%的人接受过中高等教育,渴求彻底地融入城市生活,然而城市还没有做好接纳他们的准备,在这一矛盾的前提下,社会的稳定受到了挑战。新生代农民工是维护社会稳定的重要力量,在面对外在客观环境、自身价值定位及切身利益实现的诸多现实问题时,他们对社会稳定具有双重影响的作用。因此,探索新生代农民工与社会稳定的关系,有益于我们更好地构建和谐社会,实现"中国梦"。

关 键 词:新生代农民工  农民工素养  社会稳定

Relationship between the New Generation of Migrant Workers and Social Stability
WANG Jinfeng,YANG Lining. Relationship between the New Generation of Migrant Workers and Social Stability[J]. Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition), 2014, 0(2): 133-136
Authors:WANG Jinfeng  YANG Lining
Affiliation:( School of Politics and Administration, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637002, China)
Abstract:The new generation of migrant workers is a special and new economic and social group of importance ; their ed- ucational level has improved significantly-nearly 50% of them have received higher education, craving for melting into the city life, however, the city has not been ready for accepting them. On the premise of this contradiction, the social stability has been challenged. The new generation of migrant workers is an important force in maintaining social stability. They are faced with external objective environment, and the problems of the realization of their values and interestes. They have dual effects on the stabilization of the society. Therefore, the exploration of the relationship between the new generation of migrant workers and social stability is important, which is good for constructing a harmonious society and realizing the "China dream".
Keywords:new generation of migrant workers  migrant worker literacy  social stability
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