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引用本文:王欣. 从《离婚》看老舍的语言艺术魅力[J]. 河北工程大学学报(社会科学版), 2005, 22(2): 55-56
摘    要:老舍是杰出的语言大师,小说《离婚》集中体现了他的语言艺术魅力。老舍的语言艺术魅力主要表现在几个方面:1.北京韵味,老舍用地道的北京口语来写北京人和北京事,使作品极其本色,富于生活情趣和民族美感;2.通俗质朴而又典雅精致,老舍一方面从人民群众的口语中吸取营养,另一方面又认真选择加工提炼,做到雅俗共赏;3.简洁凝练而又含蕴丰厚,老舍具有极高的谴词造句的能力,这是与他深刻的思想见解和丰富的生活阅历分不开的;4.幽默诙谐而又不失严肃深刻,这主要是通过各种修辞方法的创造性运用,通过语言要素的变异使用来实现的。

关 键 词:老舍  《离婚》  语言艺术魅力

Charm of Laoshe''''s lingual art in divorce
WANG Xin. Charm of Laoshe''''s lingual art in divorce[J]. , 2005, 22(2): 55-56
Authors:WANG Xin
Abstract:Laoshe, a chinese outstanding language master, the famous novel divorce has intensively represented his charmingly lingual art mainly including the following: 1. Beijing's lasting appeal, he works has true qualities of life spice and national aesthetic feeling in pure Beijing spoken language. 2. popular and elegant, he has learned from the masss tongue, meanwhile he has been deliberated to chose and epurate to make his works suit both refined and popular tastes. 3. terse and profuse, he has an unexceptionable ability of wording and phrasing which came from his rich experience and profound thinking. 4, humorous and serious, which profited from creationary exertion of all kinds of trope techniques and various use of lingual element.
Keywords:Laoshe  divorce  charm of lingual art
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