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引用本文:刘堃. 论元代婚恋杂剧中女性形象的近世性[J]. 理论界, 2014, 0(11): 143-146
作者单位:复旦大学 中国古代文学研究中心,上海,200433
摘    要:作为近世文学萌发期的代表性文学样式,元杂剧作品中当然不乏对个人权利和要求的渲染,女性形象对爱情和婚姻的追求是其中的一个重要侧面。但元杂剧中女性形象强烈的依附性人格无法使其承担太多重负,元杂剧作家们在她们身上和相关作品中努力试图的,只是在正统儒学式微的背景下,另辟蹊径,以达到教化的目的。元代婚恋杂剧中的女性形象是中国文学近世性复杂特征的充分体现。

关 键 词:元杂剧  婚恋题材  女性形象  依附性  近世性

The Modernity in Images of Women in Yuan Opera with the Love and Marriage Theme
Liu Kun. The Modernity in Images of Women in Yuan Opera with the Love and Marriage Theme[J]. Theory Horizon, 2014, 0(11): 143-146
Authors:Liu Kun
Affiliation:Liu Kun (The Research Center of Chinese Ancient Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)
Abstract:As the symbol in the germination period of Modern Literature, Yuan Opera is full of the demands about individual rights, one important aspect of which is the women pursuit for love and happy marriage.But in fact, the writers of Yuan Opera just try to figure out another way for moralizing in the background of the decline of the classic Confucianism, so the strong dependence in the images of women in Yuan Dynasty cannot carry too much burden of Modernity.The images of women in Yuan Dynasty with Love and marriage theme represent the complexity of Chinese Modern Literature perfectly.
Keywords:Yuan Opera  the Love and Marriage Theme  Images of Women  Dependency  Modernity
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