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Carer perspectives of factors affecting placement trajectories of children in out-of-home care
Affiliation:1. School of Public Health and Social Work, Faculty for Health, Queensland University of Technology, PO Box 5492, West End 4101, Australia;2. Child and Youth Mental Health Service, Children''s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service, Queensland Health, PO Box 5492, West End 4101, Australia;3. School of Public Health and Social Work, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane 4001, Australia;4. School of Health, University of New England, Armidale 2351, NSW, Australia;5. School of Psychology and Counselling, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane 4001, Australia;1. Division of General Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, University of Rochester Medical Center, United States;2. Division of General Pediatrics, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), United States
Abstract:Carers are at the frontline working with children in the care of the child protection system. This paper reports carer's views about key factors influencing the placement trajectories of children and young people living in out-of-home care in Queensland, Australia. The study sample included 21 foster and kinship carers with a minimum two-year experience in the carer role. Study data were from semi-structured telephone interviews in which carers shared their experiences of the factors impacting upon placement stability and placement movement. Carers' responses were analysed thematically. Data analysis yielded an overarching theme regarding placement trajectory: Carer engagement, and its three sub-themes; with the child; with the child protection system; and, with the caring role. Findings suggested that carer engagement and ‘fit’ are complex constructs that play critical influential roles in placement outcomes (stability or movement) for individual children in out-of-home care. It is argued that practice needs to be better grounded in these relational dynamics, and better aligned concerning the power differentials that exist.
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