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引用本文:王继红. 论清末民初贵州现代知识分子阶层的崛起及对贵州社会分层的影响[J]. 贵州大学学报(社会科学版), 2003, 21(6): 90-95
摘    要:贵州现代知识分子的崛起,是贵州现代化启动的最为重要的标志,于1895-1905年间展现于社会的第一代知识分子群体,是其刍形;它由旧式官绅、学而优而不仕者、科举学子和塾师四个途径转化所至.第二代知识分子群体兴起于辛亥革命前后,是贵州现代知识分子成熟的一代,为贵州现代化拓展了更为广阔的基础.贵州现代知识分子是贵州现代社会各阶层形成的源泉.

关 键 词:贵州现代化  知识分子  社会分层

The Influence from the Rising of Intellectual Class at the Beginning of the Republic and the End of the Qing Dynasty on the Social Stratum in Guizhou
uWANG Ji-hong. The Influence from the Rising of Intellectual Class at the Beginning of the Republic and the End of the Qing Dynasty on the Social Stratum in Guizhou[J]. Journal of Guizhou University(Social Science), 2003, 21(6): 90-95
Authors:uWANG Ji-hong
Abstract:The rise of modern intellectuals in Guizhou is a most important starting point of modernization. From 1895 to 1909, the first generation of intellectuals is its embryonic form. It is composed of the old type of feudal officials, good but not well-known scholars, students, and tutors of the private schools. The next generation of intellectuals rose up around the Revolution of 1911, and the matured intellectuals in Guizhou who have laid a wider foundation for the development of modernization. The modern intellectuals in Guizhou are the sources for the formation of different social stratum in Guizhou.
Keywords:modernization in Guizhou  intellectuals  social stratum
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