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引用本文:刘水云. 试论晚明昆曲之入京[J]. 东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2000, 2(4): 89-94
作者单位:南京大学中文系,江苏南京 210093
摘    要:明代嘉隆之际 ,昆山腔经魏良辅等曲家的改造后迅速以吴中地区为中心向四方传播 ,在同海盐、弋阳、余姚等诸种声腔的角逐中 ,昆山腔逐步确立了其江南盟主的地位 ,但它入主北京城却是万历中后期的事情。本文以可靠的资料为依据 ,揭示了昆曲进入北京的历史背景 ,分析了昆曲入京的三种主要动力 :宫庭内府的娱乐需要、公侯官宦的家乐嗜好和职业戏班的赢利动机

关 键 词:昆曲  传播  北京  原因

A study of Kunqu''''s entrance into Beijing in Late-Ming Dynasty
LIU Shui-yun. A study of Kunqu''''s entrance into Beijing in Late-Ming Dynasty[J]. Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science ), 2000, 2(4): 89-94
Authors:LIU Shui-yun
Abstract:With the improvement by Wei Liangfu, Kunqu(昆曲)immediately took the dominating seat of the drama of that time, but Kunqu's entrance into Beijing may have taken place as late as Late-Ming Dynasty. The article focuses on three main reasons for the entrance, that is, the entertaining demand of the imperial family, the inclination of the gentry for family troupes and the commercial motive of the professional troupes.
Keywords:Kunqu  circulation  Beijing  reasons
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