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引用本文:李振中. 中世纪阿拉伯哲学集大成者——伊本·路西德[J]. 回族研究, 2002, 8(4): 79-87
摘    要:伊本·路西德是中世纪阿拉伯著名思想家、哲学家,他在继承古希腊哲学家及穆斯林哲学家如伊本·西那等人的思想和学说基础上,对各类哲学问题都提出了自己的看法和理论,成为阿拉伯哲学的集大成者。他的学说和理论,如关于哲学和宗教的“双重真理”,被欧洲的基督教哲学家接受,成为摆脱教皇束缚和精神枷锁的思想武器。可以说,路西德的学说和思想在世界人类思想和哲学发展进程中,起到了承上启下的作用。

关 键 词:阿拉伯哲学  折中  双重真理

Iben Rushed: An Outstanding Scholar Studying the Arabic Philosophy in the Middle Age
LI Zhen - zhong. Iben Rushed: An Outstanding Scholar Studying the Arabic Philosophy in the Middle Age[J]. Journal of Hui Muslim Minority Study, 2002, 8(4): 79-87
Authors:LI Zhen - zhong
Abstract:Iben Rushed was one of the most famous thinker and philosopher in Arab in the Middle Age. Except for descending the thoughts and doctrines of Ancient Greek philosophy and Muslim philosophers, he also proposed his own thoughts and theories about various philosophical problems. His doctrines and thoughts, esp. the duel truth about philosophy and religion, were well accepted by the philosophers of Christianity in Europe, and performed as the ideological arms to shake off the yoke of the pope and spiritual shackles. We can say his doctrines and thoughts played a transitional role in the developing process of the thoughts and philosophy in the world.
Keywords:Arabic Philosophy   Eclecticism   Duel Truth
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