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Numbers of children looked after in England: a historical analysis
Authors:John Rowlands, June Statham&dagger  
Affiliation:Visiting Fellow,;Professor of Education and Family Support, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK
This paper is an analysis of the relationship between policy, practice and the rates of children looked after by local authorities in England. It examines the trends in the numbers of children looked after by local authorities in England over a period of approximately 40 years. The increase in children looked after in the decade after 1994 is shown to be the result of fewer children entering care, but those that do tend to stay longer. This two-part dynamic appears to have been the underlying determinant of the care population over a long period of time. The fact that time spent in care is such a key factor suggests that planning for children who are already looked after is a crucial determinant of the numbers in care. However, it is argued that poorly developed family support services limit current options for reducing the size of the care population. A range of effective family support services could potentially have an impact on the number of children in care in three ways: by helping to maintain more children within their families; by identifying those children who need care earlier; and by improving the chances of some children being successfully returned home.
Keywords:child care statistics    children looked after    family support    legislation    trend data
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