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引用本文:陈小鸿,邱程. 论宗教改革与资本主义民主的核心精神[J]. 南昌航空大学学报, 2011, 0(3): 76-80
作者姓名:陈小鸿  邱程
摘    要:宗教改革是继文艺复兴之后又一次思想解放运动,宗教改革的年代是欧洲资产阶级力量上升的时期,它的发展对西欧社会进步产生了巨大的推动作用,引发了思想观念的变革,为社会转型奠定了思想基础。从根本上说,宗教改革是一场在宗教外衣掩护下,新兴资产阶级反对封建统治的政治变革。从思想观念变革及其对社会发展作用的角度看,宗教改革为资本主义民主核心精神的形成与发展提供了土壤。

关 键 词:宗教改革  个人主义  自由  宽容  平等

On the Protestant Reformation and the Key Elements of Capitalist Democracy
CHEN Xiao-hong,QIU Cheng. On the Protestant Reformation and the Key Elements of Capitalist Democracy[J]. Journal of Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology(Social Science), 2011, 0(3): 76-80
Authors:CHEN Xiao-hong  QIU Cheng
Affiliation:(Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310023,China)
Abstract:The Protestant Reformation was another wave of thought liberation movement after the Renaissance,during which the power of bourgeois was rising.The Protestant Reformation gave a huge promoting force to the development of the western European society,triggered the change of ideas and laid the foundation for the social transformation.Fundamentally speaking,the Protestant Reformation was a kind of political transformation launched by the newly rising bourgeois against feudalism in the name of religious movement.The Protestant Reformation promoted the formulation and development of the key elements of capitalist democracy form the perspective of the change of ideas and its role in the social development.
Keywords:the Protestant Reformation  individualism  freedom  tolerance  equality
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