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引用本文:唐正芒. 论抗战时期大后方关于文艺民族形式问题的论争[J]. 湖南文理学院学报(社会科学版), 1999, 0(6)
摘    要:“民族形式”问题的论争,是抗战时期我国文艺界关于文艺理论的一次最大的论争。今天我们应该全面地、历史地来评价这次论争。这次论争对于我们今天建设有中国特色社会主义的文艺事业仍有重要现实意义。

关 键 词:抗战时期  大后方  民族形式  论争

The Controversy about Literature and Art "Minzu Xingshi" Problem in the Area under KMT Rule during the War of Resistance against Japan
Tang Zhengmang. The Controversy about Literature and Art "Minzu Xingshi" Problem in the Area under KMT Rule during the War of Resistance against Japan[J]. Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science:Social Science Edition, 1999, 0(6)
Authors:Tang Zhengmang
Abstract:The controversy about "Minzu Xinshi" problem is the heated one concerning the theory of lite rature and art in Chinese literar and art circles during the war of resistance against Japan WEAJ. This treatise discussed the genesis and the brief process of the controversy, and published some new ideas about this contro versy, and maintained that the controwersy remains an eventful practical significance for building the cause of socialist literature and art with distinctive chinese features at present.
Keywords:the period of WRAJ  the area under KMT rule  "Minzu Xingshi"  controversy
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