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A modified one-sample test for goodness-of-fit
Abstract:This paper introduces a modified one-sample test of goodness-of-fit based on the cumulative distribution function. Damico [A new one-sample test for goodness-of-fit. Commun Stat – Theory Methods. 2004;33:181–193] proposed a test for testing goodness-of-fit of univariate distribution that uses the concept of partitioning the probability range into n intervals of equal probability mass 1/n and verifies that the hypothesized distribution evaluated at the observed data would place one case into each interval. The present paper extends this notion by allowing for m intervals of probability mass r/n, where r≥1 and n=m×r. A simulation study for small and moderate sample sizes demonstrates that the proposed test for two observations per interval under various alternatives is more powerful than the test proposed by Damico (2004).
Keywords:distribution-free  goodness-of-fit  greatest integer function  non-parametric test  one-sample test
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